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  1. Francesco de' Pazzi (1444 – 1478) was a member of the Roman Rite of the Templar Order and a wealthy Florentine noble. Francesco belonged to the affluent Florentine nobility, and was a member of the Pazzi family. He was the father of Vieri and Viola de' Pazzi, and the nephew of Jacopo de' Pazzi. Francesco was raised in Florence as a noble at a time in which the city was captivated by the ...

  2. Francesco de Pazzi (1444 – 1478) fue un miembro del Rito romano de la orden templaria y un rico noble florentino. Francesco perteneció a la acomodada nobleza florentina, y fue miembro de la familia Pazzi. Fue el padre de Vieri y Viola de Pazzi, y el sobrino de Jacobo de Pazzi. Fecha de nacimiento: 1444. Ocupación: noble, banquero. Francesco de Pazzi. Nacido noble en una ciudad fascinada ...

  3. 28 de ene. de 2023 · imagined by 19th century painter Stefano Ussi. The banker Francesco dePazzi, a central figure in the Pazzi Conspiracy that sought to overthrow the Medici family as the rulers of Florence, was born on this day in 1444. DePazzi killed Giuliano de’ Medici, stabbing him to death during mass at the Florence Duomo as the conspirators ...

  4. Lorenzo de’ Medici. Pazzi conspiracy, (April 26, 1478), unsuccessful plot to overthrow the Medici rulers of Florence; the most dramatic of all political opposition to the Medici family. The conspiracy was led by the rival Pazzi family of Florence. In league with the Pazzi were Pope Sixtus IV and his nephew Girolamo Riario, who resented ...

  5. Conclusión final. “Éxtasis, amor y renovación” es un libro que nos acerca a una figura excepcional de la historia de la Iglesia, que fue santa María Magdalena de Pazzi. El libro nos permite conocer sus escritos, que son testimonio de su experiencia mística y profética, así como de su amor apasionado a Dios y a su pueblo.

  6. 25 de sept. de 2023 · Francesco dePazzi (left) stabbing Giuliano de’ Medici to death during the Pazzi conspiracy. Francesco’s role in the conspiracy was central. He was tasked with organizing the attack during the Mass at the Florence Cathedral on April 26, 1478. Francesco’s decision to lead the assault inside the cathedral was audacious, showcasing his ...

  7. On the 26th April 1478 the Florentine family Pazzi ploted a conspiracy against that of de' Medici, to the purpose to get the political supremacy in the city. The Pazzi were a rich family of bankers of the Florence of the Renaissance. The conspiracy had the support of the pope Sisto IV, who was interested to appropriate some Florentine ...