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  1. ヴァルター・フォン・ライヒェナウ (Walter von Reichenau, 1884年 10月8日 - 1942年 1月17日)は、ドイツの陸軍軍人、官僚。ナチ党の権力掌握期のヴァイマル共和国軍の実力者であり、第二次世界大戦では前線司令官を務めた。最終階級は陸軍元帥。

  2. Walter von Reichenau, the son of a Prussian general, was born in Germany on August 16t, 1884. He joined the German Army when he was eighteen and, in 1904, became an officer in the 1st Guards Field Artillery Regiment. In May 1914, he entered the War Academy in Berlin where he underwent General Staff training.

  3. Generalfeldmarschall Walter von Reichenau, 1941. The Severity Order or Reichenau Order was the name given to an order promulgated within the German Sixth Army on the Eastern Front during World War II by Generalfeldmarschall Walter von Reichenau on 10 October 1941. [1] [2]

  4. Oktober: Walter von Reichenau wird in Karlsruhe als Sohn eines preußischen Generalleutnants geboren. 1903. Nach dem Abitur tritt er in das preußische Heer ein. 1904. Reichenau wird Leutnant des 1. Garde-Feldartillerie-Regiments. 1911. Versetzung zur Ausbildung an die Kriegsakademie.

  5. 13 de ago. de 2019 · Walter von Reichenau, the commander-in-chief of Army Group South, went on his usual six-mile cross-country run on January 15, 1942, in temperatures well below –20 degrees Fahrenheit. He looked ill later when he appeared in the headquarters mess for lunch. He ate a little, signed a few papers, and got up to leave.

  6. Se le asignó el mando del 6º Ejército durante la campaña de Francia, siendo ascendido a Mariscal de Campo el 19 de julio de 1940. Acompañado de su oficial adjunto, el General Friedrich Paulus, el General von Reichenau recibió la rendición de Bélgica de las manos de su rey, Leopoldo III. Tomó parte de la Operación Barbarroja al mando ...

  7. Walther von Reichenau was born to a Prussian general and followed his father's footsteps by joining the German Army in 1902. By 1904, he was an officer with the 1st Guards Field Artillery Regiment. He entered War Academy in 1914, and then fought in WW1 on the Western Front, earning an Iron Cross. He remained in the army after Germany's defeat.