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  1. 30 de may. de 2024 · Search for: 'Carr, Robert, 1st Viscount Rochester, 1st earl of Somerset' in Oxford Reference ». (c. 1587–1645).Carr, a royal favourite, began his career as page to James VI of Scotland. He acquired political significance only after the death of James's chief minister Robert Cecil in 1612, acting as the king's secretary.

  2. 25 de sept. de 2018 · 1918 and after Archive, Britain, The Home Secretaries. Robert Carr, 1972-74 Conservative, under Heath Robert Carr came from a manufacturing background. After Westminster school and Cambridge, where he read natural science, he went into the family business. A lung complaint meant he stayed at home during the war, though he did assist ...

  3. Carr’s first appearance at court came in March 1607 when, in attendance on Sir James Hay at a tournament, he was thrown by his horse and broke a leg. James insisted that he be tended by the royal physicians, and took a personal interest in Carr’s recovery. He visited frequently, and quickly came to dote on the young man.

  4. Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset. Following a fall from his horse at the accession day tilt in March 1607, Robert Carr was nursed by King James I and rapidly became a royal favourite. Created Earl of Somerset in 1616, three years later he was indicted with his wife, Frances Howard, for the murder of his Sir Thomas Overbury.

  5. 27 de may. de 2014 · Robert Carr, the king’s favourite…murderer. Posted on May 27, 2014. Robert Carr was a Scotsman born in Somerset. He was the son of Sir Thomas Kerr of Ferniehurst Castle in Scotland. The Kerrs – a border family – were known for their left-handedness; they even built their castle staircases to favour their choice of weapon hand.

  6. Robert Carr oder Ker(r), 1. Earl of Somerset (* um 1586 ; † 1645 ) war ein schottischer Politiker und Günstling König Jakobs I. von England . Robert Carr, dessen Geburtstag nicht überliefert ist, war ein jüngerer Sohn des Sir Thomas Ker of Ferniehurst und dessen zweiter Frau Janet Scott, der Schwester von Sir Walter Scott of Buccleuch .

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