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  1. Hermann Göring. Hermann Göring in Augsburg-Bärenkeller nach seiner Verhaftung, 11. Mai 1945. Hermann Wilhelm Göring (* 12. Januar 1893 in Rosenheim; † 15. Oktober 1946 in Nürnberg) war ein deutscher nationalsozialistischer Politiker und Kriegsverbrecher. 1933 wurde er Reichsluftfahrtminister, ab Mai 1935 war er Oberbefehlshaber der ...

  2. 1923), Hermann Göring avea origine aristocrată, fiind considerat unul dintre eroii germani ai Primului Război Mondial. [19] Prin decretul din 19 iulie 1940, Hitler l-a promovat pe Göring la rangul de Reichsmarschall , un grad superior creat special pentru acesta, iar în 1941 l-a desemnat ca succesor al său la conducerea Germaniei naziste.

  3. Hermann Göring (1893–1946) was the highest-ranking Nazi official tried during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. A decorated fighter pilot during World War I, Göring joined the Nazi party in 1922 after hearing a speech by Adolf Hitler. He eventually found his way into the inner circles of Nazi power.

  4. 12 de ene. de 2000 · Hermann Göring (born January 12, 1893, Rosenheim, Germany—died October 15, 1946, Nürnberg) was a leader of the Nazi Party and one of the primary architects of the Nazi police state in Germany. He was condemned to hang as a war criminal by the International Military Tribunal at Nürnberg in 1946 but took poison instead and died the night his execution was ordered.

  5. Hermann Wilhelm Göring (anche reso come Hermann Goering) (Rosenheim, 12 gennaio 1893 – Norimberga, 15 ottobre 1946) è stato un politico, generale e criminale di guerra tedesco. Abile pilota da caccia delle forze aeree tedesche durante la prima guerra mondiale , nel dopoguerra entrò nel Partito nazista , diventando rapidamente il principale luogotenente di Adolf Hitler .

  6. Hermann Wilhelm Göring, född 12 januari 1893 i Rosenheim, död 15 oktober 1946 i Nürnberg, var en tysk politiker, militär och dömd krigsförbrytare. Han tillhörde ledarskiktet inom Nationalsocialistiska tyska arbetarepartiet (NSDAP) och var riksdagsledamot från 1928. Från 1932 till 1945 var Göring tyska riksdagens talman .

  7. 30 de ago. de 2012 · Hermann Göring is born in Marienbad, in the German state of Bavaria. 1905–1911. Göring attends military academy. 1915–1918. Göring serves in the German air force as a fighter pilot. Both wounded and decorated, by the end of the war, he is one of the best-known German air force war heroes. Summer 1921.

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