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  1. Gabriel Bathory (în limba maghiară Báthory Gábor) fost un principe de origine maghiară al Transilvaniei, în secolul al XVII-lea. Gabriel Báthory a fost nepotul fostului rege al Poloniei, Ştefan Báthory. G. Báthory a fost proclamat principe la vârsta de 19 ani, în urma demisiei din funcţie a lui Sigismund Rákoczy la 5 martie 1608.

  2. Gabriel Báthory (Hungarian: Báthory Gábor; 15 August 1589 – 27 October 1613) was Prince of Transylvania from 1608 to 1613. Born to the Roman Catholic branch of the Báthory family, he was closely related to four rulers of the Principality of Transylvania (a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire which had developed in the eastern territories ...

  3. Erzsébet Báthory. La condesa Erzsébet Báthory de Ecsed (en húngaro: Báthory Erzsébet, ˈbaːtoɾi ˈɛɾʒeːbɛt) ( Nyírbátor, Hungría, 7 de agosto de 1560-Castillo de Čachtice, actual Trenčín, Eslovaquia, 21 de agosto de 1614), en inglés como Elizabeth Bathory, e hispanizado cómo Isabel Bathory, fue una aristócrata húngara ...

  4. 29 de may. de 2024 · Elizabeth Báthory was a Hungarian countess who purportedly tortured and murdered more than 600 young women in the 16th–17th century. While historical documents seem to support the accusations against her, modern research indicates that Báthory, a powerful woman, might have been the target of politically motivated slander that allowed relatives to appropriate her lands.

  5. Esteban Báthory nació el 27 de septiembre de 1533 en Somlyó como hijo de Esteban Báthory de Somlya (1477-1535) y Catalina Telegdy de Kincstartó (1492-1547). Su familia era una de las más poderosas de Transilvania, y aparte de la propiedad de Somlyó, también gobernaban en Szatmár y Szinér. Su padre fue voivoda de Transilvania entre ...

  6. › gabriel-bathoryGabriel Bathory

    26 de ene. de 2022 · Gabriel Báthory (în maghiară Gábor Báthory, n. 15 august 1589, Oradea – d. 27 octombrie 1613, Oradea), a fost un principe de origine maghiară al Transilvaniei între anii 1608-1613, nepot al fostului rege al Poloniei, Ştefan Báthory şi ultimul principe din familia Báthory. În 1606, după moartea prințului Bocskay, István Gabriel ...

  7. Other articles where Gábor Báthory is discussed: Gábor Bethlen: …Transylvania and supported his successor, Gábor Báthory. Differences between Bethlen and Báthory, however, forced Bethlen to take refuge with the Turks. The Ottoman sultan Ahmed I, suzerain of Transylvania, provided Bethlen with an army and proclaimed him prince of Transylvania. When Báthory was driven from power ...