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  1. 27 de ene. de 2014 · The Duchess Bianca Cappello. Bianca Cappello (1548, Venice – October 20, 1587, Poggio, near Florence) was an Italian noblewoman and the daughter of Bartolomeo Cappello and Pellegrina Morosini. Both of her parents belonged to the oldest and most famous families in the Venetian aristocracy. She was renowned for her beauty and intelligence, and ...

  2. Bianca Cappello übernahm rasch eine Führungsposition bei der Leitung des Hofes und der auswärtigen Geschäfte. [1] 1583 erkannte Francesco Biancas mutmaßlichen Sohn Antonio als ehelich geboren an, weil sein einziger Sohn mit der ersten Frau Johanna im Jahr zuvor gestorben war.

  3. The Palazzo di Bianca Cappello boasts one of the most beautifully decorated facades in the whole of Florence, based on a technique that is known as sgraffito. The Palazzo del Mondragone, located in Via dei Banchi, at the corner with via del Giglio, is the place where Francesco de' Medici and Bianca Cappello met during a reception, and fell in love at first sight.

  4. 31 de mar. de 2010 · Most importantly perhaps, Bianca Capello was declared ‘daughter of the Republic’, an honour bestowed before only on Caterina Cornaro, queen of Cyprus. 12 In this way, an explicit connection between Bianca and this prototype of female Venetian virtue was established which did not go unnoticed. 13 In 1489, Caterina, a member of the patrician Cornaro family who ruled the isle of Cyprus, was ...

  5. 6 de oct. de 2020 · Bianca Cappello (Venezia 1546? – Poggio a Caiano, 1587) fu la favorita di Francesco I dei Medici, che sposò in seconde nozze, divenendo così Granduchessa di Toscana. Discendente da famiglie appartenenti alla più prestigiosa nobiltà veneziana, giunse a Firenze a seguito di una rocambolesca fuga d’amore.

  6. 23 de oct. de 2017 · Alessandro Allori, Ritratto di Bianca Cappello, 1572, Gallerie degli Uffizi, Firenze. Questo ramo dei Cappello era assai decaduto. Perciò Bianca non viene educata in monastero, come le giovinette d’elevata condizione, ma in casa, tra la servitù femminile, con quanto profitto sul piano culturale possiamo ben immaginare.

  7. Palacio de Bianca Cappello. Realizado en 1579, es famoso tanto por la belleza de sus decoraciones de esgrafiado, como porque fue la demora de la noble veneciana Bianca Cappello, que primero fue la amante del Gran Duque Francisco I de Médicis y, después, en 1579, su segunda mujer, tras la prematura muerte de la primera, Giovanna De Austria.