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  1. Nick Metropolis dead at 84 Archiviato il 7 novembre 2008 in Internet Archive., Los Alamos National Laboratory Daily News Bulletin, 19 ottobre 1999. Metropolis, Nicholas Constantine (1915-1999) (at Eric Weisstein's World of Biography) Nicolas Metropolis, The Beginning of the Monte Carlo Method, Los Alamos Science, No. 15, Page 125.

  2. Metropolis a été le premier employé du Los Alamos National Laboratory à être honoré du titre Emeritus par l'université de Californie. Il a également reçu un Computer Pioneer Award (1984) de l'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Le Prix Nicholas Metropolis est décerné chaque année par l'American Physical Society [5]

  3. Nicholas Constantine Metropolis (* 11. Juni 1915 in Chicago; † 17. Oktober 1999 in Los Alamos, New Mexico) war ein amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker, Informatiker und Mathematiker und Miterfinder der Monte-Carlo-Methode. Leben und Werk Sicherheitsausweisfoto Metropolis' vom Los Alamos National Laboratory zur Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs

  4. Nick was a staff member of the atomic-bomb project at Columbia University in 1942 and returned to Chicago during 1942-1943 to work on the university's metallurgy project. He was at Los Alamos on the Manhattan Project in 1943. After World War II he taught at the University of Chicago in the Physics Department as an assistant professor of physics ...

  5. Nicholas Metropolis. Nicholas Constantine Metropolis (Greek: Νικόλαος Μητρόπουλος; June 11, 1915 – October 17, 1999) was a Greek-American physicist. Metropolis received his BSc (1937) and PhD in physics (1941, with Robert Mulliken) at the University of Chicago. Read more on Wikipedia.

  6. Metropolis, Nicholas Constantine (1915-1999) Greek-American mathematician who grew up in Chicago and earned his bachelor's degree (1936) and doctorate (1941) in experimental physics from the University of Chicago. He was then recruited to Los Alamos National Laboratory by J. Robert Oppenheimer in April 1943.

  7. 8 de abr. de 2020 · 尼古拉斯·梅特罗波利斯(Nicholas Constantine Metropolis,1915年4月11日-1999年10月17日),出生于美国芝加哥市,毕业于芝加哥大学,美籍希腊裔物理学家。 他从事蒙特卡洛方法和积分微分方程的研究,提出的梅特罗波利斯–黑斯廷斯算法(Metropolis–Hastings algorithm)是蒙特卡洛方法中最重要的抽样方法之一。