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  1. While Lucien Lelong dressed many a fashionable lady during the 1920s and 1930s, he is most remembered for his heroic diplomatic efforts to sustain Parisian couture during World War II. He was, in every respect, a hero of both world wars fought during this century.

  2. 13 de oct. de 2020 · Fue idea de un hombre llamado Lucien Lelong, en ese entonces presidente de la cámara sindical de la Alta Costura y uno de las figuras más influyentes de la industria de la moda en la época. París ya se había consolidado como la gran capital de la moda mundial cuando, en 1940, las fuerzas francesas caen sometidas ante el ejército Alemán.

  3. Lucien Lelong’s parents owned a small couture house that produced clothes, focussing on a modern look. At the age of 20 Lelong joined the business and immediately redesigned the boutique. Installing black carpets, walls, ceilings and sofas – he wanted it to resemble a black-lined jewellery box. On the day he was supposed to present his ...

  4. Lucien Lelong never formally studied fashion, instead earning a business degree at the École des Hautes Études Commerciales in Paris. He was, however, raised in a couture environment.

  5. 5 de may. de 2024 · Anya Hindmarch: ‘I don’t need Notting Hill at the weekends – I’m actively not fashionable’. The accessory designer, 55, on booze, Birkenstocks and the balm of the countryside. Anya ...

  6. Lo stilista Lucien Lelong, presidente della Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture combatté con le armi della diplomazia e dell’astuzia, correndo grande rischi a livello personale, per far sì che la couture restasse a Parigi. Quel successo gli valse un posto nella storia della moda ma ha messo in ombra il suo talento come stilista.

  7. Lucien Lelong (French, 1889–1958) ca. 1937. Pullover sweater. Lucien Lelong (French, 1889–1958) 1927. Resources for Research. The Met's Libraries and Research ...