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  1. Bavaria, officially the Free State of Bavaria, is a state in the southeast of Germany. With an area of 70,550.19 km 2 (27,239.58 sq mi), it is the largest German state by land area, comprising roughly a fifth of the total land area of Germany. With over 13 million inhabitants, it is the second most populous German state behind North Rhine ...

  2. Hace 2 días · A consolidation began when Duke Albert IV (the Wise) of Bavaria-Munich (reigned 1467–1508) established in 1506 the principle of primogeniture in Bavaria. Albert also made Munich the capital of his duchy. Albert’s son William IV (reigned 1508–50) reunified Bavaria into one duchy in 1545.

  3. Primeros pasos. Los hermanos Leo Siegfried y Emil Kopp Koppel, provenientes de Alemania, llegaron en 1876 a Santander, Colombia. Tres años después, se asociaron con los hermanos Santiago y Carlos Arturo Castello y conformaron en Bogotá la sociedad Kopp y Castello, quienes en 1889 adquierieron un lote para la construcción de una fábrica de ...

  4. Bavaria blu es un queso azul alemán realizado con leche de vaca pasteurizada a la que se añade nata para ser un queso triple crema. La corteza es blanca, tipo camembert. La pasta es cremosa pálida, con puntos de moho azul. El sabor es suave. Se trata de un queso moderno, desarrollado por la factoría Bergader e introducida en el mercado en ...

  5. History of Bavaria. The history of Bavaria stretches from its earliest settlement and its formation as a stem duchy in the 6th century through its inclusion in the Holy Roman Empire to its status as an independent kingdom and finally as a large Bundesland (state) of the Federal Republic of Germany.

  6. Bavaria headquarters in Bogotá. Bavaria Brewery ( Spanish: Cervecería Bavaria ), formally known as Bavaria S.A., is a Colombian brewery company founded on April 4, 1889, by Leo S. Kopp, a German immigrant. In 2005, Bavaria Brewery became a subsidiary of SABMiller. [1] Before the merger, Bavaria was the second-largest brewery in South America .

  7. Bavaria (cerveza) Bavaria fue una marca de cerveza de la empresa Bavaria al principio de su historia, en 1920, y que se dejó de producir en los años 1980 en favor de otras marcas más comerciales y que, siendo de su mismo fabricante, eran su directa competencia ( Águila y Clausen ).