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  1. The interregnum in the British Isles began with the execution of Charles I in January 1649 (and from September 1651 in Scotland) and ended in May 1660 when his son Charles II was restored to the thrones of the three realms, although he had been already acclaimed king in Scotland since 1649. During this time the monarchial system of government ...

  2. Gran Interregno. Se conoce como Gran Interregno al período que transcurrió entre la muerte del Rey de romanos Conrado IV, en 1254, y la elección en 1273 de Rodolfo I de Habsburgo como nuevo Rey de romanos, tiempo durante el cual el cargo de emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico estuvo vacante o contó con emperadores nominales.

  3. Regenten beklædte en dobbelt titel konge af Polen og storfyrste af Litauen, der blev valgt ved frie valg, som ofte førte til et langt interregnum. Efter 1572 tilfaldt interrex-rollen den romersk-katolske ærkebiskop af Gniezno, Polen. Ærkebiskoppen kunne udpege en afløser (normalt biskoppen af Kujavia ).

  4. Pedro Álvares Pereira †. The 1383–1385 Portuguese interregnum was a civil war in Portuguese history during which no crowned king of Portugal reigned. The interregnum began when King Ferdinand I died without a male heir and ended when King John I was crowned in 1385 after his victory during the Battle of Aljubarrota .

  5. English Interregnum. The English Interregnum was the period of parliamentary and military rule in the land occupied by modern-day England and Wales after the English Civil War. It began with the execution of Charles I in 1649 and ended when Charles II became king, after Oliver Cromwell died in 1660 . This era in English history can be divided ...

  6. › wiki › InterregnumInterregnum - Wikipedia

    Interregnum (latinski: inter - između, regnum - kraljevstvo, kraljevanje) je latinski naziv za međuvlašće, odnosno kratkotrajan period između dvije državnopravne vladavine. Glavno značenje riječi, koje je i danas najčešće, jeste period između vladavina dva monarha. Interregnum je normalna pojava kod izbornih monarhija (npr.

  7. Interregnum (z lat. inter = medzi, regnum = vláda, kráľovstvo) alebo medzivládie je historické obdobie bez organizovanej politickej moci, resp. obdobie vlády slabého panovníka. [1] [2]