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  1. chrissormiss wake, all the hoolivans of the nation, prostrated in their consternation and their duodisimally profusive plethora of ululation. Th ere was plumbs and grumes and cheriff s and citherers and raiders and cinemen too. And the all gianed in with the shout-most shoviality. Agog and magog and the round of them agrog.

  2. Leyó el libro en su idioma original, acumuló ensayos, críticas, enciclopedias, leyó la edición francesa corregida por el mismísimo Joyce, consultó el FWEET (Finnegans Wake Extensible Elucidation Treasury), una página online con más de 80.000 anotaciones desde que se publicó el libro y se apoyó en la mayoría de los los libros que distintos escritores publicaron libros-guia en la ...

  3. Finnegans Wake * James Joyce Traducción y notas de Salvador Elizondo [Muchos lectores, ávidos de poseer una cultura literaria com-pleta, palidecen horrorizados cuando se les menciona un libro tenido casi por ilegible. Ahora sigue siendo ilegible, pero cuando menos podemos leerlo en una lengua casi familiar.]

  4. James Joyce. Justified text of Finnegans Wake. With line breaks placed exactly as in paper edition and glosses in footnotes. Nevertheless, this is fully implemented exclusively in premium section, which is different beast altoogooder. iPhone, iPad, laptop & desktop monitor should work fine with the link above. Most Android devices too.

  5. The James Joyce Digital Archive is divided into two 'volumes': Ulysses and Finnegans Wake.In each volume the final text contains within it a representation of the penultimate level (the page proofs), within that a representation of the preceding level (the galleys), and so on all the way down to a representation of the earliest draft and notebook entries.