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  1. 18 de sept. de 2014 · Tigran Petrosian was born in 1929 in Tbilisi, Georgia (then a part of the Soviet Union). His parents were Armenians, and he relocated first to Armenia and then to Moscow as a young man. Petrosian's style of play was highly unusual and eccentric -- perhaps as much so as Tal's, but in a way that was less likely to be endearing to the public.

  2. Petrosián Tigrán • Partidas de ajedrez. Tigrán Petrosián fue un ajedrecista soviético considerado como uno de los mejores defensores de la historia del juego. De su carrera tenemos aquí dispuestas 1893 partidas de ajedrez que jugó y que puedes visionarlas y seguirlas en línea. Petrosián se destacó por su habilidad para frustrar los ...

  3. Petrosian died of stomach cancer in 1984 in Moscow and is buried in the Moscow Armenian Cemetery. In 1987, World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov unveiled a memorial at Petrosian's grave which depicts the laurel wreath of World Champion and an image contained within a crown of the sun shining above the twin peaks of Mount Ararat - the national symbol of Petrosian's Armenian homeland.

  4. 16 de feb. de 2023 · Petrosian was a conservative, cautious, and highly defensive chess player who was strongly influenced by Aron Nimzowitsch's idea of prophylaxis. He made more effort to prevent his opponent's offensive capabilities than he did to make use of his own. He very rarely went on the offensive unless he felt his position was completely secure.

  5. 19 de may. de 2024 · Tigran Petrosian nació en Tiflis, adonde su padre había huido desde Turquía. Fue un excelente estudiante, aprendió a jugar al ajedrez a los 12 años. Petrosian quedó huérfano de ambos padres durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en 1944, y se vio obligado a trabajar de barrendero y en un club de oficiales para alimentar a sus hermanos.

  6. El 30 de septiembre de 1971, se inauguraba el histórico match final del Torneo de Candidatos, destinado a definir al ajedrecista que habría de desafiar, en el año siguiente, al Campeón Mundial de entonces, el soviético Boris Spaski. Ese match constituyó todo un hito en la historia del ajedrez universal. Hacía décadas que un ajedrecista no soviético estaba tan cerca de coronarse ...

  7. 14 de ago. de 2021 · Half a century ago, though, such technology was not available and Petrosian’s triumph at Moscow 1971, an Atlantis of the chessboard, has submerged as surely as Plato’s mythical civilisation. Tigran Petrosian (1929–1984) reigned as World Champion from 1963–1969. Born to Armenian parents in Tbilisi, the capital of Soviet Georgia ...