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  1. Hace 1 hora · Cate Blanchett’s claim to be ‘middle class’ isn’t unique among the wealthy, or even the 1% she’s part of. Downplaying privilege among elites contributes to the problem of wealth inequality.

  2. Hace 1 día · Cate Blanchett lució un vestido negro con forro blanco y verde que, junto con la alfombra roja, recordaba a la bandera palestina. También se produjeron algunos llamamientos explícitos: ...

  3. Hace 6 horas · Cate Blanchett, whose net worth is estimated at A$140 million, has described herself as “middle class” – unwittingly unleashing a furore.. How could someone in a highly powerful, elite echelon of society who owns multiple properties across Australia and the UK claim to be middle class, especially at a time when the wealth gap between “the top” and “the bottom” has become so stark?

  4. Hace 6 horas · À l'occasion du Festival de Cannes 2024, l'actrice australienne Cate Blanchett a fait sensation sur le tapis rouge en arborant une robe aux couleurs évocatrices du drapeau palestinien. Ce geste fort a suscité de vives réactions et rappelé l'urgence de trouver une solution durable au conflit israélo-palestinien.Une robe aux couleurs symboliquesVêtue d'une création Jean Paul Gaultier par ...

  5. Cate Blanchett, like most Australians, thinks she’s middle class. An expert on class explains why that matters

  6. Hace 6 horas · Secondo Variety, il premio Oscar Cate Blanchett ha ufficialmente trovato il suo prossimo progetto importante sotto forma di una commedia sull’invasione aliena intitolata Alpha Gang. “Il film segue gli invasori alieni inviati in missione per conquistare la Terra.

  7. Hace 1 día · In France, celebrities at the 77th Cannes Film Festival showed their support for Gaza and Palestine, which are under Israeli occupation, with their outfits and watermelon motifs. Oscar-winning actress Cate Blanchett made a statement with her outfit resembling the Palestinian flag, and many other celebrities showcased jewelry and clothing symbolizing Palestine on the red carpet. Meanwhile, the ...

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