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  1. Hace 11 horas · VolumenII, Amorrortu Editores, Colección: Obras Completas de Sigmund Freud, Edición: 2a ed., 14a reimp. La interpretación de los sueños (Die Traumdeutung) es una obra de Sigmund Freud.

  2. Hace 11 horas · Freud trata de explicarnos en este texto que esta enfermedad, la melancolía, que es una enfermedad dolorosa, donde prácticamente se pierde todo contacto con la realidad, es semejante por su forma de producirse a un estado que se podría llamar normal, no patológico, semejante a la melancolía, que es el duelo, es decir, la diferencia, dice Freud, es que el duelo se produce por la pérdida ...

  3. Hace 11 horas · In turn, psychoanalysis, as it was first developed by Sigmund Freud, considers infantile sexuality as polymorphous and perverse. It analyzes how this perversity develops into adult genders and sexualities, sometimes through the repression of drives that, even in their repressed form, continue to show effects.

  4. › wiki › Carl_JungCarl Jung - Wikipedia

    Hace 11 horas · Front row, Sigmund Freud, G. Stanley Hall, Carl Jung. Back row, Abraham Brill, Ernest Jones, Sándor Ferenczi. Jung and Freud influenced each other during the intellectually formative years of Jung's life. Jung had become interested in psychiatry as a student by reading Psychopathia Sexualis by Richard von Krafft-Ebing.

  5. Hace 11 horas · God versus Sigmund Freud – is the subject of a new movie, co-produced by Screen Ireland, with the support of the Irish Government (and partly filmed in Ireland), Freud’s Last Session. It is a supposed conversation between the Belfast-born Christian advocate C.S. Lewis, (Matthew Goode) and the father of psycho-analysis, in September 1939.

  6. Hace 11 horas · Sigmund Freud (1930, p. 88). If some years ago a friend, speaking to you at a party, predicted that in this very century it might be possible to download the human mind into a computer, marry a made-to-order android, or live in a virtual reality, you may have decided that your friend sorely needed professional help (Fig. 1 ).

  7. Hace 11 horas · Sigmund Freud may no longer be a fashionable thinker, but his theory of repression provides us with the best explanation of the central mystery of the British election: why nobody is talking about ...

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