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  1. Hace 23 horas · Death by burning. Death by burning is an execution, murder, or suicide method involving combustion or exposure to extreme heat. It has a long history as a form of public capital punishment, and many societies have employed it as a punishment for and warning against crimes such as treason, heresy, and witchcraft.

  2. Hace 23 horas · Aug 24, 2007. Zorchin' some Flemoids. Hel posted: Why are ramps even on here? They are a different thing, not having steps. Flattening a stair never becomes a ramp, and tilting up a ramp just becomes a wall, never a stair or a ladder. Because it's not a list of "things having steps" it's a list of "fixtures for ascending and descending".

  3. Hace 23 horas · Населені пункти України, яким надано магдебурзьке право. Магдебу́рзьке пра́во (німе́цьке, або тевтонське, міське́ пра́во) — одна з найпоширеніших правових систем міського самоврядування ...

  4. Hace 23 horas · Die Liste nennt – chronologisch nach ihrem Amtsantritt – alle derzeit amtierenden Staatsoberhäupter der souveränen Staaten der Welt. Einige der Herrscher (zum Beispiel in Brunei) waren schon vor dem genannten Amtsantritt im Amt. In diesem Fall bezieht sich das Datum des Amtsantritts auf das Datum der Unabhängigkeit des Staates.

  5. Hace 23 horas · As Aventuras de um Aviador: Uma Viagem pelo Brasil. No mundo da aviação, existem poucos trabalhos tão empolgantes quanto o de um aviador. Viajar por diferentes países, conhecer diferentes culturas e paisagens é uma experiência incrível.

  6. › wiki › 明智光秀明智光秀 - Wikipedia

    Hace 23 horas · 光秀は将軍・足利義昭上洛早々の永禄11年(1568年)11月15日、近衛稙家の子で聖護院 門跡の道澄、公家の飛鳥井雅淳、連歌の宗匠・紹巴ら錚々たる人々が出座した格式高い連歌の席に、弘治年間(1555年-1558年)からしばしば連歌会に名を連ね、一流文化人と認められていた細川藤孝に伴われて ...