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  1. Hace 16 horas · En su crítica publicada el 21 de septiembre de 1986, el New York Times fue contundente. “Una de las pocas cosas que deja en claro esta película apática y aburrida es que el Sr. Penn, desde su hilarante actuación como un surfista drogado en Fast Times at Ridgemont High, ha sido muy sobrevalorado”.

  2. Hace 16 horas · 根据第一段中"A surprising new research from Auckland University of Technology(AUT), New Zealand contradicts the commonly held view that surfers are folks only focused on their own fun."和第三段中"This makes surfers the under-recognized guardians of the beach rather than the self-centered images shown in movies like Fast Times at Ridgemont High, or Point Break."可知,人们对 ...

  3. Hace 16 horas · The Morning Report — 6/4/24. Good Morning Kids. Transliterating the noises emanating from the filthy sewer of Maxine Waters from her native halitosis into English is nothing new around here, for me. her lack of intellect and morality is nothing if not crystal clear as well as revelatory about her and her fellow traveler's naked lust for absolute power that has been ongoing since Aaron Burr ...

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