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  1. Hace 9 horas · En todo caso es un hecho que el 23 de octubre de 1940, durante la visita del Reichsführer de las SS, Heinrich Himmler, a Barcelona, solicitó ser llevado a Montserrat.

  2. Hace 9 horas · In the 1920s, the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler came under the influence of Richard Walther Darré, who was a leading proponent of the blood and soil concept. Darré strongly believed that the Nordic race was racially superior to all other races and he also strongly believed that the German peasants would play a fundamental role in securing Germany's future and Germany's future expansion ...

  3. Hace 9 horas · despertado por una banda música formada por líderes fascistas de la época, como Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, el líder japonés Hideki Tojo, Hermann Göring y el italiano Benito Mussolini. Forzado a trabajar en una fábrica de municiones alemana, Donald lucha por abrazar el sueño totalitari­o.

  4. In this alternative history but, Heinrich Himmler assumes leadership of the dominant position in Prussia, making this vital and influential region an area of great contestation to the status quo of the regional balance of power. Explore the insides and desires of the Socialist Union of South Germany, a fearsome new power in the very heart of ...

  5. Hace 9 horas · Velitel SS Heinrich Himmler byl posedlý okultismem a hluboce věřil, že jsou Árijci nějakým způsobem potomky samotných bohů. Pátrání po domnělých božských vazbách a dávných schopnostech, které se v průběhu času vytratily, mělo zejména v posledních letech existence nacistického režimu podpořit vůli k vítězství.

  6. Hace 9 horas · SS-foringinn Heinrich Himmler fyrirskipaði þýskum vísindamönnum að halda til Tíbet í leit að uppruna aríska kynstofnsins. Vísindamennirnir hugðust stunda rannsóknir á íbúum landsins í því skyni að færa sönnur á að Tíbetar væru af arískum uppruna.

  7. Hace 9 horas · An ode to my Best Friend-An ode to PW. The last few weeks Patrick has been on my mind a lot, probably because of the UEFA Euro 2024. Shortly after UEFU Euro 88, we went on an interrail trip through The Benelux, and went camping. All the Dutch we met were still celebrating the Dutch win of the Euros, it was a great time.

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