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  1. João Carlos Pedro Leopoldo Borromeo, Prince of Beira; (English: John Charles; 6 March 1821, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 4 February 1822, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) was a Portuguese infante (prince), son of heir-apparent to the throne Pedro, Prince Royal (future Emperor Pedro I of Brazil) and Maria Leopoldina of Austria .

  2. 1 de jun. de 2020 · Por ser o primeiro menino a nascer, João Carlos recebeu o título de Príncipe da Beira, nomenclatura que até aí pertencia à sua irmã mais velha, Dona Maria da Glória (ela era chamada de Princesa da Beira, já se pressupõe).

  3. The prince was acclaimed Emperor Dom Pedro I on his 24th birthday, which coincided with the inauguration of the Empire of Brazil on 12 October. He was crowned on 1 December in what is today known as the Old Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro.

  4. Prince of Beira ( Portuguese: Príncipe da Beira, feminine: Princesa da Beira) is a title traditionally granted to the heir apparent to the throne of Portugal. The title's original use that it be granted on the eldest daughter of the reigning monarch of Portugal.

  5. Príncipe da Beira é um título nobiliárquico português, conferido ao primogênito do herdeiro presuntivo da Coroa de Portugal, ou seja, o segundo na linha de sucessão .

  6. He was Titular Emperor of Brazil, Prince of Beira and Brazil, 21st Duke of Bragança, 18th Duke of Guimarães, 16th Duke of Barcelos, 20th Marquis of Vila Viçosa, 24th Count of Arraiolos, 22nd Count of Ourém, Count of Barcelos, Faria and Neiva, etc. Married in 1785, with Queen Dona Carlota Joaquina de Borbón (1775-1830), Princess of Spain ...

  7. Prince João Carlos, Prince of Beira (Q4765121) Portuguese prince João de Bragança, Infante de Portugal e Brazil edit