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  1. Hace 5 horas · Introductory notes. Stations are often named after a square or a street, which, in turn, is named for something or someone else. A number of stations, such as Avron or Vaugirard, are named after Paris neighbourhoods (though not necessarily located in them), whose names, in turn, usually go back to former villages or hamlets that have long since been incorporated into the city of Paris.

  2. Hace 1 día · The Ottawa, Chippewa, Wyandot, Potawatomi, Delaware, and Shawnee Indians cede eastern Ohio to the United States. Treaty of Potsdam (1805) Prussia agrees with Russia to join the Third Coalition against France if Napoleon rejects peace terms. Treaty of Schönbrunn (1805) Prussian treaty of friendship with France.

  3. Hace 1 día · In the fall 1844 the first main building (then called college building because it housed virtually the entire college) was constructed with the help of the architect Marsile of Vincennes. The structure was a four-story brick building eighty feet long by thirty-six feet wide, 4 + 1 ⁄ 2 -story high with a small cupola (but not yet a dome) with a bell in it, in French style.

  4. Hace 1 día · Datum Name Opfer Beschreibung 21. Okt. 1805 Achille: 481 Während der Seeschlacht bei Trafalgar wurde das französische Linienschiff Achille (1.630 ts) durch britisches Geschützfeuer schwer getroffen und sank in den Nachmittagsstunden, etwa gegen 17.45 Uhr, nach einer Explosion der Pulverkammer. 481 Seeleute kamen dabei ums Leben. 158 Besatzungsangehörige wurden von britischen Schiffen gerettet.

  5. Hace 1 día · Projet:Histoire militaire/Évaluation/Index/46. Projet. : Histoire militaire/Évaluation/Index/46. Dernière mise à jour : 29 juin 2024 par OrlodrimBot. Peut-on créer le sous-article Cavalerie durant la Première Guerre mondiale à partir de celui-ci ? Fernand Gazin, La Cavalerie française dans la guerre mondiale, 1914-1918, Payot, 1930, 334 p.

  6. Hace 1 día · Pour un article plus général voir Révolution américaine La guerre d indépendance des États Unis en anglais American War