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  1. Hace 6 horas · Such early approaches assume that symbols convey fixed meanings, and they disregard the effects of folklore variation on meanings.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm did take variation into account. They conceived Märchen in terms of immanent blueprints incessantly recreated in myriad retellings, but they never tried to make sense of the themes by means of the variants.

  2. Hace 1 día · Kassel (dpa) – The Brothers Grimm's Fairy Tale Library is to be digitized. According to the University of Kassel, "particular value is attached to the books, approximately 700 of which refer to the children's and household tales of the Brothers Grimm, due to the working traces contained therein." The Grimms marked text passages in the books ...

  3. Hace 1 día · Roman bronze statuette representing a Germanic man with his hair in a Suebian knot. Dating to the late 1st century – early 2nd century A.D. The Germanic peoples were tribal groups who once occupied Northwestern and Central Europe and Scandinavia during antiquity and into the early Middle Ages. Since the 19th century, they have traditionally ...

  4. Hace 6 horas · Grundlage der persönlichen gestalterischen Arbeit bilden die bekannten Märchen der Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm. Wir nutzen einzelne Szenen, Textpassagen und Zitate, um in die eigene Kreativität zu kommen und um uns sowie den vermeintlich bekannten Märcheninhalt neu zu erfahren.

  5. Hace 6 horas · Nürnberg. Johannisfriedhof – Theodor von Cramer-Klett (im Familiengrab der Cramer-Klett), Albrecht Dürer, Anselm Feuerbach, Willibald Pirckheimer, Hans Sachs (genaue Grabstelle unbekannt), Johannes Scharrer, Rudolf Schiestl, Veit Stoß, William Wilson. Rochusfriedhof – Johann Pachelbel, Peter Vischer d. Ä.

  6. Hace 6 horas · Looking for a library? Show libraries matching your search. Märchen von einem, der auszog... Brüder Grimm Author Claudia Gräf Narrator (2016)

  7. Hace 6 horas · Wilhelm Albert. "Von der Flößerei aus Kaiserslauterer Waldungen insbesondere auf Lauer, Glan und Nahe". In: Pfälzer Heimat. Vol 3 (1952). No. 4. pp. 108-113. [Albert 1969] Wilhelm Albert. "Die kurpfälzische Erbforstmeisterfamilie Rettig von Kaiserslautern".

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