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  1. 4 de jun. de 2024 · Dos paracaidistas y un atentado audaz: la larga agonía del cruel jerarca nazi, a quien Hitler proyectaba como su sucesor El 4 de junio de 1942, hace exactos 82 años, Reinhard Heydrich moría en ...

  2. Hace 6 horas · It turns out that when it comes to remembering any event, no matter how mundane or how monumental, our ability to recall the past is distorted. In this episode, we'll investigate the story of Lizzie Borden, an ax murderer, an alien abduction and the traumatic events of 9/11 to reveal the secrets of human memory.

  3. Hace 6 horas · Hitler’s belief in Jesus Christ and Christianity is up for debate, however, the usage of divinity in his political assession was proven by this biography. Even though the autobiography of 1923 was later found to be ghost-written by Hitler himself, it served the purpose of ascending Hitler to the position of divinity and sovereignty – above all kinds of “human” thoughts and actions.

  4. Hace 6 horas · Frederick remained an admired historical figure through Germany's defeat in World War I, and the Nazis glorified him as a great German leader prefiguring Adolf Hitler, who personally idolised him. His reputation became less favourable in Germany after World War II, partly due to his status as a Nazi symbol.

  5. Hace 6 horas · Adolf Hitler lui-même déclare en 1938 : « Atatürk était le maître à penser, Mussolini son premier apprenti, et moi son second » [77]. Hitler salue l'arrivée de Mustafa Kemal au pouvoir appuyée sur sa légitimité militaire, et cite cet évènement dans le cadre de son procès pour sa participation au putsch de la Brasserie pour légitimer sa tentative de coup d'État [ 77 ] .