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  1. Hace 10 horas · There are also third-party diagnostic tools like AIDA64, SpeedFan, and Open Hardware Monitor that can help you monitor your CPU temperature in Windows 10. These tools offer detailed information about your CPU temperature as well as other system components. 6. Monitor temperature in the system tray

  2. Hace 10 horas · When selecting overclocking tools, it is essential to consider the specific needs of the computer and the user’s level of expertise. For example, users who are new to overclocking may want to start with simpler tools like CPU-Z and Core Checker, while more experienced users may prefer more advanced tools like SpeedFan and AIDA64.

  3. Hace 10 horas · 3. Look for an option related to fan control, which might be labeled “Fan always on” or “Fan control mode.”. Select this option. 4. Change the setting to “Disabled” or “Off” to turn off the fan. Save the changes and exit the BIOS. 5. Restart your laptop, and the fan should now be turned off.

  4. Hace 10 horas · 因此,可以下载并使用一些降温软件,如SpeedFan、Core Temp等,以降低CPU温度。 5、增加风扇数量,风扇可以帮助CPU散热,因此可以增加风扇数量,提高散热效果。可以在电脑内部增加风扇,或者使用外接风扇等方式,以增加CPU的散热能力。

  5. Hace 10 horas · 温度监测:使用一些软件工具(如HWMonitor、SpeedFan等)监测CPU的温度。 电脑风扇测试好坏1万用表测量电脑风扇好坏,单独测量电阻是判断不出来好坏的,一是检测供电电压是否正常,电压万用表是可以测量的,二是测量风扇的工作电流,电流值和铭牌标识值偏差太多,就可以判断风扇故障 。

  6. Hace 10 horas · 1、软件查看:下载SpeedFan(CPU风扇速度调节软件) 不但能查看,还能调节;安装之后打开,在Fan2处可以看到 1985 RPM 这就是CPU风扇的转速了,每分钟1985转。 2、可以从配置和制造材料以及排风口风扇来分 配置上主要看CPU和显卡。

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