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  1. EDUARDO CRUZ ACILLONA | Hace unos meses, reseñábamos aquí mismo el poemario La mujer de enfrente, de Carmen Camacho, y de ella decíamos, entre otras cosas, que en su poemario “de la sociología ha hecho su poética, que no es más que convertir en universales los detalles.

  2. Hyman P. Minsky (1919–1996), Wirtschaftswissenschaftler; Anita O’Day (1919–2006), Jazzsängerin; Roy Harvey Pearce (1919–2012), Literaturwissenschaftler; Ralph G. Pearson (1919–2022), Chemiker; George Sammet junior (1919–2012), Generalleutnant der United States Army; Joseph J. Sisco (1919–2004), Diplomat, Hochschulrektor und ...

  3. Dick Hyman, noted jazz pianist and musical director for many of Woody Allen's films, designs and hosts the annual Now Hear This! jazz festival at the Oregon Festival of American Music (OFAM). OFAM and the Hult Center routinely draw major jazz talent for concerts.

  4. início vários hoje, Às 21.30, na biblioteca municipal de vila verde, “movimentos de resistÊncia ao estado novo” hoje, Às 21.30, na biblioteca municipal de vila verde, “movimentos de resistÊncia ao estado novo”

  5. Recessions. Many factors directly and indirectly serve as the causes of the Great Recession that started in 2008 with the US subprime mortgage crisis.The major causes of the initial subprime mortgage crisis and the following recession include lax lending standards contributing to the real-estate bubbles that have since burst; U.S. government housing policies; and limited regulation of non ...