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  1. Hace 10 horas · Like many other academic professional societies, the American Statistical Association (ASA) uses the title of Fellow of the American Statistical Association as its highest honorary grade of membership. The number of new fellows per year is limited to one third of one percent of the membership of the ASA. People named as Fellows are listed below. [1] [2] [3]

  2. Hace 10 horas · I spent 12 hours in a New York ER last Saturday and upon discharge was given ten pages of test results and now I have more information about myself than I know what to do with. I went into the ER on my own steam, by taxi, no siren, because I had experienced a few surprising memory lapses (name of principal physician, name of building I reside in, what I did the previous week), blanks that a ...

  3. Hace 10 horas · This is a list of notable performances of third party and independent candidates in United States gubernatorial elections. It is rare for candidates, other than those of the six parties which have succeeded as major parties ( Federalist Party, Democratic-Republican Party, National Republican Party, Democratic Party, Whig Party, Republican Party ), to take large shares of the vote in elections.

  4. Hace 10 horas · Die Liste der Science-Fiction-Filme der 2010er Jahre gibt einen chronologischen Überblick über Kino- und abendfüllende TV-Produktionen, die seit 2010 in diesem Genre gedreht wurden. Bei der Nutzung ist zu beachten, dass ein Großteil der aufgeführten Filme sich mit artverwandten Genres aus dem Bereich der Phantastik wie Horror und Fantasy ...

  5. Hace 10 horas · Френология была одной из первых псевдонаук [1] в современном понимании. Основным положением этого учения является идея взаимосвязи между психикой человека и строением поверхности его ...