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  1. Hace 6 horas · Playing the new political game. The first cricket test match I ever attended was England versus West Indies at the Oval in the baking hot summer of 1976. It was the final test of a series in which a truly magnificent West Indies side crushed England, to an even greater extent than the 3-0 scoreline suggests. It was also politically significant ...

  2. Hace 6 horas · Arsenal supporters. London based Arsenal Football Club has developed a very strong following since its founding in 1886. Since the 1980s, Arsenal's fans have often been referred to as Gooners, a derivation from the team's nickname, the "Gunners". Many fanzines, blogs, podcasts and fans websites have been dedicated to the club and the fans have ...

  3. Hace 6 horas · Pentru Rusia, o înfrângere strategică în Ucraina ar însemna sfârşitul statalităţii sale, astfel că de ce să ne fie frică, trebuie să mergem până la capăt, a declarat presedintele rus Vladimir Putin într-o întâlnire cu ziariştii ruşi la finalul vizitei sale în Vietnam, după cea efectuată în Coreea de Nord, relatează agenţia oficială de presă RIA Novosti, potrivit ...