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  1. Hace 47 minutos · The death toll from flash floods that hit Switzerland after storms at the weekend rose to six Wednesday after a body was discovered in the southeastern canton of Ticino, police said. The alpine region is experiencing its worst flooding since 2000 when 13 people were killed in a mudslide which destroyed the village of Gondo.

  2. Hace 14 horas · It was particularly hard hit by last Saturday’s bad weather. Four people are still missing in Ticino. A 67-year-old German man also died as a result of the bad weather in the neighbouring canton ...

  3. Hace 14 horas · After the heavy downpours in Switzerland, a sixth victim has been found. The police in the canton of Tessin announced on Wednesday that a body was recovered from the Maggia river by helicopter. In the same area, a death had occurred the previous day. In Tessin, torrential rainfall reminiscent of a flood occurred on Saturday evening, causing ...

  4. Hace 14 horas · Amministratore del gruppo Facebook Escursioni e capanne del Canton Ticino, ha recentemente dedicato alla valle un lungo post con gli scatti presi qualche tempo prima che la tragedia colpisse. Immagini che testimoniano non solo il fascino, ma anche l'incredibile patrimonio culturale della Val Bavona, oggi in parte andato perso.

  5. Hace 14 horas · The death toll from flash floods that hit Switzerland after storms at the weekend rose to six Wednesday after a body was discovered in the southeastern canton of Ticino, police said. The alpine region is experiencing its worst flooding since 2000 when 13 people were killed in a mudslide which destroyed the village of Gondo. Police said the body ...

  6. Hace 14 horas · Questi ritrovamenti fanno salire a cinque il numero di vittime causate dai temporali estremamente violenti che hanno colpito il canton Ticino e in particolare l’Alta Vallemaggia nel fine settimana. In precedenza, erano stati identificati i corpi delle tre persone decedute a causa della frana caduta a Fontana, in Val Bavona.

  7. Hace 14 horas · Il canton Nidvaldo donerà 20'000 franchi per aiutare le zone di Ticino, Grigioni e Vallese flagellate dal maltempo. L'importo sarà prelevato dal fondo della lotteria e versato alla Catena della ...