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  1. Allegra Huston (born 26 August 1964) is a British-American author, editor, and writer based in Taos, New Mexico. She is the author of Love Child: A Memoir of Family Lost and Found and the novel A Stolen Summer ( Say My Name in hardback), and How to Edit and Be Edited. She is the co-founder of Imaginative Storm Writing Workshops, with ...

  2. Love Child is the story of a childhood fractured by tragedy, of a motherless girl who never quite feels she belongs, of a younger sister trying to find a sense of self in the shadow of beauty and fame.

  3. I’m the author of Love Child: A Memoir of Family Lost and Found, the novel A Stolen Summer, and How to Edit and Be Edited. I also wrote and produced the award-winning short film Good Luck, Mr. Gorski.

  4. Allegra Huston. Bio. I am the co-founder of the Imaginative Storm writing method (with James Navé), and the co-author of the book and online course Write What You Don’t Know. I am also the poster child for the Imaginative Storm method.

  5. Huston, Allegra CONOCE MÁS. Allegra Huston tenía cuatro años cuando su madre se mató en un accidente de automóvil. Poco después le presentaron a un hombre intimidante envuelto en humo de cigarro, el legendario cineasta John Huston, con las palabras: "Éste es tu padre."

  6. Hija del amor es el conmovedor relato de una búsqueda y de una ausencia: las de una hija tras la realidad de una madre muerta pero que, en el camino, encontrará también la clave de su propio existir y una puerta abierta a la luz del futuro.

  7. Allegra Huston is the author of Say My Name (3.16 avg rating, 472 ratings, 88 reviews, published 2017), Love Child (3.66 avg rating, 385 ratings, 52 revi...