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  1. Emilia Lépida (en latín, Aemilia Lepida; 5 a. C.-43) fue una matrona y noble romana. Biografía. Era la hija mayor de Julia la Menor, nieta del emperador Augusto, y del cónsul Lucio Emilio Paulo. Su padre era de una ilustre y antigua familia patricia.

  2. Aemilia Lepida was a Roman noble woman who lived in the 1st century BC. She was the first wife of Lucius Cornelius Sulla Faustus, who was consul in 5 BC. The couple had several children including her son, suffect consul of 31, Faustus Cornelius Sulla Lucullus.

  3. Aemilia Lepida from Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum. Aemilia Lepida (5 BC – c. 43 AD) was a noble Roman woman and matron. She was the first great-grandchild of the Emperor Augustus.

  4. Biografía. Era la hija mayor de Julia la Menor, nieta del emperador Augusto, y del cónsul Lucio Emilio Paulo. Su padre era de una ilustre y antigua familia patricia. Fue la primera bisnieta de Augusto y hermana de Marco Emilio Lépido, esposo de Julia Drusila, hermana favorita de Calígula, y ejecutado por este durante su reinado.

  5. › wiki › Aemilia_gensAemilia gens - Wikipedia

    The gens Aemilia, originally written Aimilia, was one of the greatest patrician families at ancient Rome. The gens was of great antiquity, and claimed descent from Numa Pompilius, the second King of Rome. Its members held the highest offices of the state, from the early decades of the Republic to imperial times. [1]

  6. In 20 CE, Aemilia Lepida was tried before the senatorial court. When the court recessed for a holiday, she rallied support by referring to her Pompeian ancestry, choosing as her venue the theatre built by her great-grandfather Pompey himself.

  7. Destacan sus integrantes: Marco Emilio Lépido († 77 a.J.C.), cónsul de roma que pretendió alzar al pueblo contra Catulo; fue abortado en el Campo de Marte su búsqueda de ingresar en Roma con sus tropas.