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  1. Maximiliano de Hesse-Kassel (Marburgo, 28 de mayo de 1689-Kassel, 8 de mayo de 1753) fue un príncipe de Hesse-Kassel y Generalfeldzeugmeister, Generalfeldmarschall y finalmente Reichsgeneralfeldmarschall en el ejército del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico.

  2. Maximilian of Hesse-Kassel (28 May 1689 – 8 May 1753) was a prince of Hesse-Kassel and a Generalfeldzeugmeister, Generalfeldmarschall and finally Reichsgeneralfeldmarschall in the army of the Holy Roman Empire.

  3. Maximiliano de Hesse-Kassel (Marburgo, 28 de mayo de 1689-Kassel, 8 de mayo de 1753) fue un príncipe de Hesse-Kassel y Generalfeldzeugmeister, Generalfeldmarschall y finalmente Reichsgeneralfeldmarschall en el ejército del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico.

  4. The items belonged to the German princely house of Hesse-Kassel, an old noble family with ties to the British and Italian royal families. By 1940, the head of the house of Hesse-Kassel was Prince Philipp von Hessen, who was considered by some to be part of Hitler’s inner circle.

    • Malloryk
  5. The Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel were famous for renting out their army to European Great Powers during the 17th and 18th centuries. It was a widespread practice at the time for small countries to rent out troops to larger countries in exchange for subsidies.

  6. Maximilian of Hesse-Kassel was a prince of Hesse-Kassel and a Generalfeldzeugmeister, Generalfeldmarschall and finally Reichsgeneralfeldmarschall in the army of the Holy Roman Empire.

  7. On March 29, 1945, troops of an African American unit arrived at the large family castle known as Schloss Friedrichshof. Several weeks later, elements of Patton’s Third Army arrived at the castle and informed the remaining family and staff that the castle was to be occupied by American forces.