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  1. The Political Warfare College (Chinese: 政治作戰學校), also known as Fu Hsing Kang College (復興崗, "Renaissance Hill"), is a military academy in Beitou District, Taipei, Taiwan. During the Japanese occupation period, this location was the racetrack of Beitou; after Chiang Ching-kuo 's inspection, on July 15, 1951, it became the campus ...

  2. 2023/07/19 Recruiting for the full-time History teacher at General Education Center of Fu Hsing Kang College Teacher Division,NDU. 2024/04/19 Army Bimonthly Journal, No.594, –Newly published article by COL. Tsui, Han-Chung, the Instructor of War College. 2024/03/22 March Reading Club of Fu Hsing Kang Teaching Division of General Education ...

  3. Management College and National Chung Hsing University held a military school tour. By this chance, they can know each other, and the NCCU students know the disciplinary lifestyle of a military school.

  4. Chen, Xin- Xun, the student of the Fu Shing Kang College said “It’s a great opportunity, make me expand my vision and make some new foreign friends.Most importantly, having the chance to see other military schools will be beneficial to me when I back to the school or graduated to become an officer.

  5. 10 de nov. de 2015 · Durante las dictaduras militares centroamericanas, la Escuela Taiwanesa de Guerra Política, el Fu Hsing Kang College, se encargó de apoyar al ejército y de formar militares guatemaltecos en operaciones contrainsurgentes, según una investigación del excanciller Gabriel Aguilera en la revista de la Fundación Ebert.

  6. The Political Warfare Cadres Academy (Chinese: 政治作戰學校), also known as Fu Hsing Kang College (復興崗, "Renaissance Hill"), is a military academy in Beitou District, Taipei, Republic of China. The College was established on July 15, 1951, modelled after the pre-war Moscow Sun Yat-sen University; it...

  7. 國防大學政治作戰學院 (英語: Fu Hsing Kang College, National Defense University , 縮寫 :FHK),簡稱 政戰學院 、 政院 。 是 國防大學 的學院之一,為 中華民國國軍 培養 政治作戰 人才。 位於 臺灣 臺北市 北投區 ,前身為1950年設立之 政治幹部訓練班 ,經歷多次改制後,2006年9月1日配合國軍 精進案 改隸國防大學。 Quick Facts 國防大學政治作戰學院, 舊稱 ... Close. 國防大學政治作戰學院,復興崗校區內一景。 復興崗校區正門。 政治作戰學院學生畢業後,分發至 中華民國國軍 各 部隊 擔任排長、輔導長等基層領導幹部職務,爾後依個人專業專長派任政戰官、監察官、保防官、心輔官等政戰幕僚職務。