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  1. Post-capitalism is in part a hypothetical state in which the economic systems of the world can no longer be described as forms of capitalism. Various individuals and political ideologies have speculated on what would define such a world.

  2. Post-Capitalist Society (1993) is a book by management professor and sociologist Peter Drucker. Overview

  3. 13 de jul. de 2011 · In Post-Capitalist Society Peter Drucker describes how every few hundred years a sharp transformation has taken place and greatly affected society - its worldview, its basic values, its business and economics, and its social and political structure.

  4. In Post-Capitalist Society Peter Drucker describes how every few hundred years a sharp transformation has taken place and greatly affected society - its worldview, its basic values, its business and economics, and its social and political structure.

  5. En 1993, Peter Drucker describió una posible evolución de la sociedad capitalista en su libro Post-Capitalist Society. [1] El libro afirma que el conocimiento, más que el capital, la tierra o el trabajo, es la nueva base de la riqueza.

  6. 1 de nov. de 2013 · La sociedad poscapitalista es otra obra de Peter F. Drucker donde el autor detecta la organización de nuestra sociedad actual y de cómo ésta se transforma por diferentes factores. El autor...

  7. Editorial Sudamericana, Buenos Aires. Original: Post Capitalist Society, 1992. Peter Drucker es uno de los teóricos más influyentes de nuestro tiempo en el campo de los negocios, la gestión y la administración.