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  1. Setagaya Junior High School. Within a liberal environment the school seeks to achieve its three aims: "build up a unique character rich in humanity", "foster creative human beings" and "help children develop a spirit of deep love and respect".

  2. 東京学芸大学附属高校の公式ウェブサイト

  3. Tokyo Gakugei University Senior High School: Address: Shimouma 4-1-5, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo (Postal Code: 154-0002) Access Transportation from Shibuya to the School: Two alternative transportaion below are available. Bus – Nozawa Junkan Line. 15 min. ride from Shibuya to a stop “Gakugei-dai Fuzoku Koukou” in front of the School.

  4. 令和6年度入学予定者オリエンテーションおよび保護者説明会. 1. はじめに. 本日の資料一覧をお示しします。. このうち学校への提出物(資料一覧でアンダーラインが引いてあるもの・以下のPDFリンクで※をつけたもの)につきましては、来週郵送いたします ...

  5. Kanatani, Kosuge, Hidai, Ota and Kajiro (2012 )introduces the proposal including ‘633 system’ conducted in the restricted number of 1st-year English classes at Setagaya Junior High School attached to Tokyo Gakugei University.

  6. 緊急の事情により入学予定者本人が視聴することができない場合は、月曜日〜金曜日の午前9時〜午後5時に本校(電話:03-3421-5151)にご連絡ください。帰国生については、電話連絡が難しい場合は、までご連絡ください。

  7. The university also houses a number of national research centres in education-related fields. Faculties. The Humanities and Social Sciences Research Building A Course: The department of Elementary school's teacher training; B Course: The department of Junior high school and high school's teacher training