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  1. What Sade accomplishes is thus a very precise operation of breaking up the link between two elements which, in Kant's eyes, are synonymous and overlapping: the assertion of an unconditional ethical injunction; the moral universality of this injunction.

  2. Schwarmereien, black swarms, we expel you in order to return to the function of presence in the Sadian fantasy. This fantasy has a structure that one will find further along and in which the object is only one of the terms in which the quest which it figures can die out.

  3. Kant with Sade is an essay by Jacques Lacan in which the author examines a link between the works of Immanuel Kant and Marquis de Sade. The original ( French : Kant avec Sade ) was published in the journal Critique in April 1963.

  4. One rediscovers what founds Kant's expression of the regret that, in the experience of the moral law, no intuition offers a phenomenal object. We would agree that, throughout the Critique, this object slips away.

  5. Partiendo de La ética del psicoanálisis (1959-60) y mayormente del texto “Kant con Sade” (1966) se expone la crítica de Lacan al imperativo categórico de Kant, asumido como paradigma de lo que significa ser moral.

  6. El “Kant con Sade” de Jacques Lacan: renuncia al deseo y sadismo en el imperativo categórico kantiano. Resumen. El objetivo de este estudio es valorar la yuxtaposición del imperativo categórico de Kant con la máxima de Sade que plantea en varios textos el psicoanalista francés Jacques Lacan.

  7. Se intentará mostrar en el recorrido como Lacan subvierte el sentido de la ley moral tal como Kant la formula -bajo la forma de un imperativo categórico-, en un contrapunto con Sade e introduciendo el concepto de goce.