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  1. Qian Xuantong (1887 – 17 January 1939) was a Chinese linguist and writer considered to be a leading figure of the Doubting Antiquity School, along with Gu Jiegang. He was a professor of literature at National Peking University.

  2. › enciclopedia › qian-xuantongQian Xuantong _ AcademiaLab

    Qian Xuantong (1887—17 de enero de 1939) fue un lingüista y escritor chino. Fue profesor de literatura en la Universidad Nacional de Pekín y, junto con Gu Jiegang, uno de los líderes de la Escuela de la Antigüedad Dudosa.

  3. 11 de abr. de 2024 · Mr. Qian Xuantong was a leader of the National Language Movement, and his greatest charm lay in his distinct personality. Initially, he advocated for a return to ancient customs; later, he became skeptical and even opposed antiquity, changing his name several times due to his beliefs.

  4. toward linguistic reform in China'.2 Indeed, Qian Xuantong insisted at the height of the May Fourth New Culture Movement that to destroy Confucianism, one must 'first dispose of the Chinese lan-guage',3 whereas the Communist-led latinization movement of the 1930s, for its part, was meant to create a medium for the emergence

  5. 18 de abr. de 2001 · Indeed, Qian Xuantong insisted at the height of the May Fourth New Culture Movement that to destroy Confucianism, one must ‘first dispose of the Chinese language’, whereas the Communist-led latinization movement of the 1930s, for its part, was meant to create a medium for the emergence of a true proletarian culture. Type.

  6. 钱玄同 (1887年9月12日—1939年1月17日),原名 钱夏 ,字 德潜 ,号 疑古 , 浙江 湖州 歸安 (现 南浔区 )人。 现代 文字学家 , 新文化运动 先驱者,亦是出生于 吴越钱氏 家族。 生平. 钱玄同的父亲是清朝同治年间进士 钱振常 。 钱玄同早年赴 日本 留学,入 早稻田大学 ,於《民報》社拜見 章太炎 ,章太炎介紹他加入 中國同盟會 ,他同時聽章太炎講 文學 、 音韻學 。 钱玄同結識的許多章門弟子,後來都成了著名學者,包括 黄侃 、 鲁迅 、 周作人 。 回国后,1913年到 北京 ,任 国立北京高等师范学校 及 附属中学 国文、经学教员。 后又长期在国立 北京大学 兼课。

  7. Qian Xuantong borrowed and transformed Zhang Taiyan's resources of literary language when he joined the camp of the May Fourth literary revolution. On the one hand, he was against the use of allusion, advocated modern language, and opposed rhythmical proses featured parallelism and flowery language, targeting specifically at "evil of the study ...