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  1. Schulpforta es un colegio cerca de Naumburgo, estado federado de Sajonia-Anhalt en Alemania, con régimen de internado para la promoción de alumnos aventajados. Entre sus alumnos se cuentan el filósofo Friedrich Nietzsche, el historiador Leopold von Ranke y el matemático y astrónomo August Möbius .

  2. › wiki › PfortaPforta - Wikipedia

    Schulpforta, otherwise known as Pforta, is a school located in Pforta monastery, a former Cistercian monastery (1137–1540). The school is located near Naumburg on the Saale River in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt. The site has been a school since the 16th century.

  3. Die Landesschule Pforta ist ein traditionsreiches Internatsgymnasium in Trägerschaft des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, das begabte Schülerinnen und Schüler aus allen Bundesländern in den drei Spezialisierungsbereichen Sprachen, Musik und Naturwissenschaften fördert.

  4. 27 de ene. de 2018 · This paper explores the tensions which arose when Schulpforta, Germany’s most renowned humanistic boarding-school, was forcibly turned into a Nazi elite-school (a Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt, or Napola).

  5. At Pforta about 300 students, today more girls than boys, from all parts of Germany live and learn from the 9th to the 12th grade, i.e. from the age of 14 to 18. Conditions of admission are good performances at school, social involvement and passing the entrance examination.

  6. Schulpforta es un colegio cerca de Naumburgo, estado federado de Sajonia-Anhalt en Alemania, con régimen de internado para la promoción de alumnos aventajados. Entre sus alumnos se cuentan el filósofo Friedrich Nietzsche, el historiador Leopold von Ranke y el matemático y astrónomo August Möbius.

  7. Gilman, Sander L, 'Schulpforta (1858-1864)', Conversations with Nietzsche: A Life in the Words of His Contemporaries (New York, NY, 1991; online edn, Oxford Academic, 31 Oct. 2023),, accessed 20 June 2024.