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  1. 2 de ene. de 2021 · Herbert Taylor, quien el año pasado señaló la venta de magistraturas por parte de los panistas José María Martínez y Juan Carlos Márquez, no acudió a la cita con la Fiscalía Anticorrupción del Estado para llevar a cabo la diligencia correspondiente.

  2. 28 de ago. de 2020 · Conocido como el hombre mas fuerte del sexenio de Emilio González Márquez, el poder detrás del trono y el primer super secretario en la historia de Jalisco, Herbert Taylor Arthur, regresó a la vida pública después de años de silencio. Y cómo se dice coloquialmente, echando lumbre.

    • Overview
    • Personality
    • Relationships
    • Appearance
    • Abilities and Powers
    • History
    • Trivia
    • Quotes

    Taylor Anne Hebert (pronounced "Hee-bert"; IPA: /ˈhiː.bɝt/), known in her primary cape identity as Skitter, is the main protagonist of Worm.


    Taylor is initially a shy and awkward teenage girl with an interest in capes. She read cape magazines for a few years, though this only taught her basic facts about local heroes. She looked forward to the part of her World Issues class where they discussed capes "since the start of the semester". She had seemingly never heard of Trigger Events, but this may have been a mistake by the author. She was "'surviving', for lack of a better word," from the point her mother died, and then surviving from the point she started getting bullied -- she just wanted to get by. She responded to stress with silence and withdrawal. She was starved for touch. She suspected that she would hurt herself before she hurt the Trio. However, Wildbow has stated that if she hadn't triggered, Taylor would likely have simply stopped going to school rather than harming herself. She was afraid of illegal drugs, saying she "had this sense" that they were like "an unstoppable black hole". Just the idea of being around someone that was high made her mildly anxious. She disliked taking painkiller pills because they never seemed to make a difference. She was familiar with navigating computers from a young age thanks to her mother. She was a "nonbeliever", as opposed to an 'atheist', when it comes to religion, as the subject was not something she put a great deal of thought into and certainly not to the point where she'd label herself an 'atheist'. Due to her habit of blaming the people in charge when things started becoming bleak and messed up, it would be a stretch for her to be faithful in a world with poor conditions like Worm. Disliked the idea of having her bodily autonomy taken away even before she triggered. Taylor was canonically heterosexual.

    Story Start

    She has shown some insecurity in her femininity, describing her long, dark curly hair as her "only feminine feature". Used to regularly spent time in front of a mirror, fixating on the flaws and things she didn't like about herself to the point where she would see a stranger in her reflection. She would always stress over choosing her clothes. She had a tendency to throw herself into danger without considering the consequences to herself, that could easily have resulted in her death had it persisted. Taylor considered joining the Wards, but felt that "the notion of escaping the stresses of high school by flinging myself into a mess of teenage drama, adult oversight and schedules seemed self-defeating". She had no trust in organized institutions, and felt happier having some independence and control. She had increasing difficulty attending school. Sometimes she would make deals with herself to attend for part of the day, then convince herself to attend for more. Taylor became very self-conscious when she was physically close to people, worrying if they could smell bad breath or body odor to the point of stopping to breath just in case she had bad breath. Tattletale mentioned that Taylor was "observant, detail oriented and focused", and that she watches, observes and then acts with careful, surgical precision. Brian describes her as "analytical", going through points step-by-step like checking things off a list. Taylor doubts these observations. Tattletale also noted, later on, that she seemed to "gravitate toward solitude", and that she seemed oblivious to people staring at her as Skitter, perhaps because she had spent so long assuming everyone was staring at her as a result of her poor self-confidence. Tattletale believed that Taylor would be better at using Tattletale's power than she was.


    She suffered from nightmares. Shocked by the city's devastation, Skitter focused on establishing her new territory and finding a way to retain "employees", despite other demands on her time such as negotiating with Coil over future plans.


    Taylor had a strained relationship with the students of Winslow High. Because she was bullied extensively by "other girls and a small handful of boys" with the "trio" - Madison Clements, Sophia Hess, and Emma Barnes acting as the ringleaders, she was reluctant to make friends and believed that boys didn't like her. She speculates that the few boys that bullied her sought approval from three of the prettier and more popular girls. As Skitter, Taylor had developed a fearsome reputation as a powerful cape and supervillain due to her exploits against the ABB, Empire 88, Coil's criminal empire, the Slaughterhouse Nine, the PRT, and the Protectorate, whilst assimilating much of the territories and assets of the three former groups into her own criminal organization. Effectively becoming a warlord that ruled Brockton Bay. When Dragon publicly outed Taylor under Director Tagg's orders, Taylor used her exploits to urge 100 of her classmates to help her escape from Arcadia and flee from the heroes. Within the relative confines of her own territories, she was able to walk in public with impunity prior to her conditional surrender to the PRT and Protectorate. With her resources, Taylor funded multiple projects to rebuild the city after Leviathan's attack, though much of this goodwill was overshadowed due to her reputation. As Weaver, Taylor's chafes under the directives she's mandated to follow as a probationary Ward, limited to the use of non-venomous bugs. She visits Ms. Yamada for therapy. Due to her killing Alexandria, Taylor's been looked upon distrustfully. The public start to see Weaver as a hero following the New Delhi battle.


    Taylor disliked Mr. Gladly viewing him as one of the ‘popular kids' who had become a teacher. Mrs. Knott, who taught Computer sciences, was Taylor's favourite teacher.

    Taylor's Bullies

    Madison Clements, Sophia Hess, and Emma Barnes - The Trio of students responsible for bullying Taylor. Emma was Taylor's best friend from first grade to middle school, the two girls stayed at each other's houses every weekend. Upon entering high school, Emma suddenly abandoned her for Sophia and Madison. The three then tormented her - Sophia physically, Madison superficially and Emma emotionally. Because Emma was once her best friend, she was the only one of the three that could truly harm Taylor, using information that Taylor once confided to her to psychologically harm her, such as the death of Mrs. Hebert. Taylor resisted attacking the trio with her powers, no matter how much she wanted to. She considered the thought of her father's disappointment on seeing that she had attacked the Trio "daunting" but less than her anger and frustration with them. After facing the likes of Coil and the Slaughterhouse 9 Taylor was able to overcome Emma's emotional attacks; following Taylor's public outing as Skitter Emma broke down. Emma Barnes' parents and sister blame Taylor for their daughter's eventual death. Madison would ultimately come to regret her actions after learning that Taylor had become Skitter, feeling somewhat responsible for the path of violence that Taylor had taken. She would ultimately reach out to various heroes hoping to gain more information but was rebuffed. Eventually Victoria gave her some answers, saying that she would never know whether her actions had ultimately saved the world or not.

    Civilian Identity

    Taylor was a tall, stick-thin, young woman with long, curly black hair[100] and glasses. She had a thin-lipped, wide, expressive mouth she inherited from her mother, and her large eyes and gawky figure made her look a lot like her father.[101] According to Wildbow's Patreon art, she has brown eyes.[102] She was approximately 5'8 at the story's outset, but grew to 5'9 at the time of her Wards physical,[103] and then later 5'10.[104] Taylor didn't wear clothes that showed skin, or bright colors. Emma presumed this was an unconscious effort to blend in or hide. Lisa Wilbourn came to a similar conclusion.[105] At various times, she wore a brown hooded sweatshirt over a green t-shirt. As time went on and under the influence of Lisa Wilbourn, she began to vary her wardrobe more. Learning to vary her appearance to blend into situations. She also grew taller and gained some muscle from her training regime and activities as a parahuman.[106] The fact that she didn't need to turn her head to look at things gave her a false appearance of extreme confidence.[107]

    Parahuman Identity

    •As Skitter •As Weaver •As Khepri

    Taylor possesses a form of telepathy that transmits and recieves information via. yet-unknown-channels[129] that grants her total control over most arthropods.[130] So although she usually controls a variety of insects, she can also control a number sea creatures such as Crabs, Lobsters, and Krill,[131] some Mollusca like slugs and snails,[132] and...


    Taylor Anne Hebert was born in June 1995, arguably on the 12th[216] (i.e., a week before the 19th[217]) or the 11th (i.e., about a week before the 19th and the date Worm began).[218] Growing up, Taylor's parents showed concern for her safety. They warned her to stay on the Boardwalk and avoided the bad part of town, a command she scrupulously obeyed.[108] When she was around five or six, she saw a meth addict freak out on the bus, making enough of a ruckus that the driver had to stop and force him off. This fright permanently affected her. Her mother, Annette Rose Hebert, died in a car crash later attributed to texting while driving. As a result of the incident, Taylor becomes closed off and rigid. Her previously strong friendship with Emma Barnes became strained due to this change, but it still served as an emotional pillar. A year and a half before the story begins, just before they enter high school, Emma unexpectedly abandoned Taylor to befriend Sophia Hess and later Madison Clements. The Trio then began aggressively bullying Taylor, including one event in early January[219] that causes Taylor to trigger. They send her vicious e-mails, upend trash over her desk, and steal her mother's flute from her locker. Others join in, ‘accidentally’ skipping her when passing out assignments and adding their own voices to the taunts and emails.Taylor begins lying low in the bathrooms during lunch and comes to view it as "refuge ... a place I could retreat to, a place where I was off their radar". In January 2011, she arrived back at school to find her locker had been filled with used pads and tampons, and then someone shoved her inside. She triggered after enough time had passed to realise no one who'd seen what happened was trying to help, and was freed from the locker by or before the end of first period.[220] While she recovered in hospital she was visited by the PRT in case she had triggered. She was overwhelmed by the sensory input of her power and didn't notice.[221] Her near catatonic state kept them from drawing any conclusions. Three months before the story begins -- once Taylor recovered from her trigger event -- she started to prepare herself to become a hero. She exercised, honed her abilities, doing research and preparing her costume. Her training schedule consisted of running every morning and every other afternoon.[108] She resisted using her power in school for three months, restricting it to a faint buzzing sound at the edge of her consciousness. She conducted practice sessions, "far from prying eyes", to determine the extent of her power. At some point, her backpack was stolen from her locker by the Trio and stuffed in a trash can. She bought a new one for twelve bucks. This incident alerted her to the risk of someone reading her notes, and she rewrote them in code. Around the same time, she began hiding equipment for her superheroics in a boarded-up coal chute in her basement.

    Story Start

    On April 8th, 2011,[219] Taylor was discovered in the School bathroom, ruining her hiding place. The Trio drenches her clothes and bag in juice. She then throws her bag against the wall in anger, her midterm project -- due that day -- is destroyed. She finally lets her defenses drop and is automatically swarmed with bugs responding to her emotional distress, but she resists killing the trio. At home, Taylor discovers the juice also ruined many of the contents of her bag, including notes on her eventual superhero career. This event pushes Taylor to stop putting off the start of said career. That weekend Taylor completes her costume and on Sunday night goes out in costume for the first time, crossing into the "bad part of town" just after midnight.[108] On that first night out, Taylor notices a group of ABB members, including Lung (who she recognizes immediately from the news and online). She hears them discussing killing "children".[108] She fights Lung alongside the Undersiders. Having been seemingly mistaken for a villain, Taylor joined the Undersiders, intending to gather information as a mole. She helped them rob a bank and attack a fundraiser, embarrassing the heroes. She was concussed when the ABB ambushed them. Bakuda launched a wave of bombing against the city to free Lung, forcing the other villains to unite against her. Skitter personally defeated Lung after he defeated Kaiser, Fenja, Menja, Bitch and Sundancer. She fought the Endbringer Leviathan when he attacked Brockton Bay, helping to track his location and rescue wounded until her communicator was fried. She was nearby when Armsmaster duelled the monster and picked up his Halberd when he fell, using it to wound the monster and help other heroes clear rubble.


    Taylor discovered that the hero Shadow Stalker was in fact Sophia Hess, one of the girls who had tormented her. In the ensuing conversation, Armsmaster was revealed by Tattletale to have fried her armband in order to prevent her giving away the beast's location to other heroes, which would have prevented him duelling it one-on-one. In revenge, he revealed her status as a mole to the Undersiders.[222] Nevertheless, she rejoined the Undersiders, disillusioned with the heroes. She agreed to Coil's plan to take over the city, claiming a territory. There she fought the Slaughterhouse Nine.

    •Wildbow's favourite line in Worm is "This was it. Finally, everyone was working together.", mentioned by Taylor in Speck 30.4, and which Wildbow considers the summation of her.[235]

    •An underappreciated part of Worm is that, given its first-person perspective, the viewpoint character can shape readers' perceptions. As a character, Taylor lacks self-awareness and is not infallible to emotional biases, trying to fool herself, or more importantly, compartmentalizing. TV Tropes calls this an Unreliable Narrator.[236][237]

    •Taylor's bullying experiences can invoke near-universal life experiences; thus, many readers could read into the text elements in a way Wildbow did not intend.[238] For example, the author wrote Taylor as a cisgender heterosexual; however, many readers read Taylor as being some presentation of LGBTQA+.[239]

    •Taylor likely triggered Monday the third of January 2011 as it was described as the first day of school in the new year.

    •Clones of Taylor made by Echidna are called variously Chitter or Scurry, both words can relate to rats just like skitter, her villain name, can relate to insects. Scurry being the movement of rats while chitter is more of a vocalization, and not solely related to rats.

    •"Khepri" is a god in ancient Egyptian religion connected with the scarab beetle, because the scarab rolls balls of dung across the ground, an act that the Egyptians saw as a symbol of the forces that move the sun across the sky.

    •(To Lung): •(To Triumph): "Sorry. I didn't want this to go this far."

    •(To Doctor Mother): "I know what that's like, I've walked down that road. Maybe not so ugly a road, but I've gone that route. All the way along, I told myself it sucked, but I wouldn't do it differently. I did everything I did for a reason. Except now, having reached the point I was working towards, I finally do regret it all. The last two years, the way I treated my teammates, leaving the Undersiders... I'd change it all in a heartbeat."[241]

  3. Herbert Taylor falta a cita con la Fiscalía tras señalar venta de magistraturas

  4. 28 de jul. de 2023 · Ahora nos afirman, que el mal afamado ex funcionario Herbert Taylor Arthur, es uno de los principales estrategas que trabaja intensamente en el cuarto de guerra de Pablo Lemus Navarro rumbo al proceso del 2024.

  5. 14 de abr. de 2014 · Herbert Taylor, con sus solicitudes de amparo, evidencia lo que ya es bien sabido de su participación en el gobierno. Si se malversaron 7 mil 500 MD, según cifras oficiales, ¿qué espera la ...

  6. The test was scripted by Herbert J. Taylor, an American from Chicago, as he set out to save the Club Aluminum Products Distribution Company from bankruptcy. It was later adopted by Rotary International, the global federation of Rotary service clubs.

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