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  1. › wiki › Wilhelm_IIWilhelm II - Wikipedia

    Hace 1 día · When Wilhelm was in his early twenties, Chancellor Otto von Bismarck tried to separate him from his parents, who opposed Bismarck and his policies, with some success. Bismarck planned to use the young prince as a weapon against his parents in order to retain his own political dominance.

  2. Hace 3 días · The House of Bismarck is a German noble family that rose to prominence in the 19th century, largely through the achievements of the statesman Otto von Bismarck. He was granted a hereditary comital title in 1865, the hereditary title of Prince of Bismarck in 1871, and the non-hereditary title of Duke of Lauenburg in 1890.

  3. Hace 2 días · William, crowned King Wilhelm I in 1861, appointed Otto von Bismarck to the position of Minister-President of Prussia in 1862. Bismarck resolved the crisis in favor of the war minister. [67]

  4. Hace 3 días · Bismarcks most important diplomatic objective was to prevent France from allying itself with either Austria-Hungary or Russia to create a coalition of enemies in both the east and the west. In 1873 he negotiated the Three Emperors’ League with Russia and Austria-Hungary .

  5. Hace 3 días · Wilhelm I., mit vollem Namen Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig von Preußen (* 22. März 1797 in Berlin; † 9. März 1888 ebenda), aus dem Haus Hohenzollern war von 1861 bis zu seinem Tod König von Preußen und seit der Reichsgründung 1871 erster Deutscher Kaiser.

  6. Hace 4 días · Mientras ocurrían todos estos eventos, el joven Bismarck, de 33 años, era un aristócrata conservador horrorizado por las propuestas de los revolucionarios. Sin embargo, fue lo suficientemente inteligente como para comenzar a usar sus propias armas contra ellos, estableciendo periódicos y clubes pro-conservadores.

  7. Hace 3 días · When on March 23, 1819, an unbalanced student, Karl Ludwig Sand, assassinated the conservative playwright and publicist August von Kotzebue, Vienna persuaded the princes of the German