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  1. Stephen Russell Mallory (1812 – November 9, 1873) was a Democratic senator from Florida from 1851 to the secession of his home state and the outbreak of the American Civil War. For much of that period, he was chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs.

  2. capable secretary of the navy, Stephen Mallory. He dispatched agents to Europe to purchase warships, sought to refurbish captured or scuttled Federal vessels, and made every effort to arm and employ Southern-owned ships then in Confederate ports.

  3. 18 de jun. de 2015 · Stephen Russell Mallory was a lawyer, Democratic judge and customs official in the ante-bellum period and United States Senator from Florida from 1850 until the secession of his home state in 1861.

  4. Confederate Secretary of the Navy Stephen Mallory, aware of the South’s deficiencies in warship construction, attempted to obtain armored vessels in Europe. Despite efforts by various naval agents, only one—the Stonewall—reached Confederate hands, but the war ended before she saw any action.

  5. Fue idea del secretario de la Marina Stephen Mallory aumentar parcialmente el blindaje de la fragata Merrimack recién reconstruida con tablones de roble y dos tracas de plancha de hierro pesado en su obra muerta, convirtiéndolo en un nuevo tipo de barco de guerra: un vapor «acorazado».

  6. That they did so well was largely because of untiring efforts by the capable secretary of the navy, Stephen Mallory. He dispatched agents to Europe to purchase warships, sought to refurbish captured or scuttled Federal vessels, and made every effort to arm and employ Southern-owned ships then in Confederate ports.

  7. Confederate Secretary of the Navy Stephen Mallory saw ironclads as a way for his navy to counter the Union’s advantages in naval strength and industrial potential. Time was of the essence, and the Merrimack ’s hull and its engines would give the South a head start in building a new ironclad at the captured navy yard.