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  1. La Universidad de Nápoles Federico II (en italiano: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) es la principal universidad napolitana y una de las más importantes de Italia. Es la más antigua universidad laica y estatal del mundo ya que fue fundada en 1224.

  2. 4 discipline, 64 squadre, 363 atleti coinvolti. Cerimonia di premiazione il 3 giugno. Leggi tutto Al via i tornei sportivi per le celebrazioni degli 800 anni dell'Università Federico II. Start Cup Campania. Pubblicato il bando dell'edizione 2024. E' possibile iscriversi alla competizione entro il 10 giugno 2024. Leggi tutto Start Cup Campania.

  3. The University of Naples Federico II has over 2000 agreements with foreign universities. See the map to find out which universities are involved. Click here. History & Origins. It is one of the oldest universities to be founded by a head of State while other educational institutions by and large were a product of corporate initiatives.

  4. 5 de jun. de 2022 · La Universidad de Nápoles es la universidad pública más antigua de Italia y del mundo. Fundada por el emperador Federico II de Suabia el 5 de junio de 1224, hoy cumple 798 años. Decretó su construcción mediante un edicto institutivo que envió desde Siracusa. La elección de Nápoles no fue casual.

  5. The University of Naples in order to encourage students from EU or oversea to apply offers very competitive tuition fee, please see the specific paragraph in each course outline listed below. We invite students interested to browse the course website listed at the end of each course outline.

  6. La Universidad de Nápoles Federico II (en italiano: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) es la principal universidad napolitana y una de las más importantes de Italia. Es la más antigua universidad laica y estatal del mundo ya que fue fundada en 1224.

  7. The university of Naples Federico II was founded by the king of Sicily and Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II on 5 June 1224. It is the world's oldest state-supported institution of higher education and research. One of the most famous students was Roman Catholic theologian and philosopher Thomas Aquinas. Fouding: Political project of ...