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  1. 1419 ( MCDXIX) fue un año común comenzado en domingo del calendario juliano . Acontecimientos. 19 de enero – Guerra de los cien años: Ruan se rinde a Enrique V de Inglaterra lo que hace que Normandía quede bajo el control de Inglaterra. 20 de junio – Comienzo de la invasión Oei de la Isla de Tsushima en Japón por los Joseon de Corea.

  2. › wiki › 14191419 - Wikipedia

    September 10 – John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy is assassinated by adherents of the Dauphin. November – The Ottoman–Venetian peace treaty ends four years of conflict, by recognizing Venetian possessions in the Aegean and the Balkans.

  3. La batalla de La Rochelle de 1419 (también llamada segunda batalla de La Rochelle) fue un enfrentamiento entre una flota castellana y otra flamenco-hanseática que tuvo lugar el 30 de diciembre de 1419 frente a la ciudad de La Rochelle.

  4. 1419. Temas, acontecimientos y noticias relacionados con el año 1419 . Wikimedia Commons alberga una categoría multimedia sobre el año 1419. Wikisource contiene obras originales sobre el año 1419.

  5. › wiki › Hussite_WarsHussite Wars - Wikipedia

    • Origins
    • The Outbreak of Fighting
    • Use of War Wagons and Firearms
    • First Anti-Hussite Crusade
    • Second Anti-Hussite Crusade
    • Bohemian Civil War
    • Third Anti-Hussite Crusade
    • Fourth Anti-Hussite Crusade
    • Glorious Rides
    • Peace Talks

    Starting around 1402, priest and scholar Jan Hus denounced what he judged as the corruption of the church and the papacy, and he promoted some of the reformist ideas of English theologian John Wycliffe. His preaching was widely heeded in Bohemia, and provoked suppression by the church, which had declared many of Wycliffe's ideas heretical. In 1411,...

    The death of Wenceslaus resulted in renewed troubles in Prague and in almost all parts of Bohemia. Many Catholics, mostly Germans—mostly still faithful to the Pope—were expelled from the Bohemian cities. Wenceslaus's widow Sophia of Bavaria, acting as regent in Bohemia, hurriedly collected a force of mercenaries and tried to gain control of Prague,...

    Late 14th and early 15th century saw gradually increasing use of firearms in siege operations both by defenders and attackers. Weight, lack of accuracy and cumbersome use of early types limited their employment to static operations and prevented wider use in open battlefield or by civilian individuals. Nevertheless, lack of guild monopolies and low...

    After the death of his childless brother Wenceslaus, Sigismund inherited a claim on the Bohemian crown, though it was then, and remained until much later, in question whether Bohemia was a hereditary or an elective monarchy, especially since the line through which Sigismund claimed the throne had accepted that the Kingdom of Bohemia was an elective...

    Internal troubles prevented the followers of Hus from fully capitalizing on their victory. At Prague, a demagogue, the priest Jan Želivský, for a time obtained almost unlimited authority over the lower classes of the townsmen, and at Tábor, a religious communistic movement (that of the so-called Adamites) was sternly suppressed by Žižka. Shortly af...

    Bohemia was for a time free from foreign intervention, but internal discord again broke out, caused partly by theological strife and partly by the ambition of agitators. On 9 March 1422, Jan Želivský was arrested by the town council of Prague and beheaded. There were troubles at Tábor also, where a more radical party opposed Žižka's authority.

    Papal influence had succeeded in calling forth a new crusade against Bohemia, but it resulted in complete failure. In spite of the endeavours of their rulers, Poles and Lithuanians did not wish to attack the kindred Czechs; the Germans were prevented by internal discord from taking joint action against the Hussites; and King Eric VIIof Denmark, who...

    In 1426, the Hussites were attacked again by foreign enemies. In June 1426, Hussite forces, led by Prokop and Sigismund Korybut, significantly defeated the invaders in the Battle of Aussig. Despite this result, the death of Jan Žižka caused many, including Pope Martin V, to believe that the Hussites were much weakened. Martin proclaimed yet another...

    During the Hussite Wars, the Hussites launched raids against many bordering countries. The Hussites called them Spanilé jízdy ("glorious rides"). Especially under the leadership of Prokop the Great, Hussites invaded Silesia, Saxony, Hungary, Lusatia, and Meissen. These raids were against countries that had supplied the Germans with men during the a...

    The almost uninterrupted series of victories of the Hussites now rendered vain all hope of subduing them by force of arms. Moreover, the conspicuously democratic character of the Hussite movement caused the German princes, who were afraid that such ideas might spread to their own countries, to desire peace. Many Hussites, particularly the Utraquist...

  6. První pražská defenestrace je událost z neděle 30. července 1419, kdy byli protihusitští novoměstští radní (konšelé) zabiti svržením z okna radnice. Událost je považována za počátek husitských válek . Účastníci se nejprve shromáždili v chrámu Panny Marie Sněžné, kde kázal kněz a pozdější vůdce pražských radikálů Jan Želivský.

  7. Los años 1410 o década del 1410 empezó el 1 de enero de 1410 y terminó el 31 de diciembre de 1419. Acontecimientos. 1410: la batalla de Grunwald durante la guerra polaco-lituana-teutónica representa el comienzo del declive de la Orden teutónica. 1410-1413: la fundación de la Universidad de Saint Andrews en Escocia.