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  1. The Colonial Revival architectural style seeks to revive elements of American colonial architecture . The beginnings of the Colonial Revival style are often attributed to the Centennial Exhibition of 1876, which reawakened Americans to the architectural traditions of their colonial past. [1]

  2. La arquitectura hispano-americana o hispano-estadounidense (en inglés: Spanish Colonial Revival architecture) fue un movimiento arquitectónico que surgió a inicios del siglo XX en los Estados Unidos de América y que se inspiraba en la arquitectura colonial española, adaptando las formas y detalles hispano-americanos al nuevo siglo

  3. Spanish colonial architecture represents Spanish colonial influence on the cities and towns of its former colonies, and it's still seen in the architecture as well as in the city planning aspects of conserved present-day cities. These two visible aspects of the city are connected and complementary.

  4. American colonial architecture includes several building design styles associated with the colonial period of the United States, including First Period English (late-medieval), Spanish Colonial, French Colonial, Dutch Colonial, and Georgian.

  5. Although associated with the architectural movement, "Colonial Revival" also refers to historic preservation, landscape architecture and garden design, and decorative arts movements that emulate or draw inspiration from colonial forms. Characteristics.