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  1. The Liberal Democrats (colloquially referred to as the Lib Dems) are a liberal political party in the United Kingdom, founded in 1988. They have been the third-largest UK political party by the number of votes cast since the 1992 general election, with the exception of the 2015 general election.

    • Policies
    • Former Party Leaders
    • Other Websites

    MostLiberal Democrats believe in the following things: 1. The House of Commons should be elected using proportional representation. 2. There should be elections held for the House of Lords. 3. There should be more forms of renewable energy as well as cuts to greenhouse gasemissions.

  2. Liberal Demócratas, conocidos popularmente como Lib Dems, es un partido político liberal del Reino Unido. Es el heredero histórico de los Whigs británicos considerados fundadores del Liberalismo político junto con John Locke, siendo arquitectos de la Democracia liberal, el parlamentarismo y la Monarquía constitucional.

  3. The Liberal Democrats are the successors to two great reformist traditions in British politics – those of liberalism and of social democracy, which became separated from each other in the early part of the twentieth century, but are now reunited, in the shape of the Liberal Democrats.