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  1. Plinian eruptions or Vesuvian eruptions are volcanic eruptions marked by their similarity to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, which destroyed the ancient Roman cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii.

  2. Una erupción pliniana es un tipo de erupción volcánica caracterizada por su similitud con la acontecida en el monte Vesubio en el año 79 d. C., según fuera descrita por Plinio el Joven en una carta dirigida a Cornelio Tácito.

  3. The Minoan eruption was a catastrophic volcanic eruption that devastated the Aegean island of Thera (also called Santorini) circa 1600 BCE. It destroyed the Minoan settlement at Akrotiri, as well as communities and agricultural areas on nearby islands and the coast of Crete with subsequent earthquakes and paleotsunamis.

  4. Short bursts of glowing lava, created from the bursting of large gas bubbles at the summit vent of a volcano typify a Strombolian eruption. This photo, taken from the summit of Stromboli, a volcano in the Aeolian Islands, Italy, shows a classic example of this activity.

  5. Son causadas por la fragmentación del magma con gases, y por lo general se asocian con magmas muy viscosos (dacita y riolita). Liberan enormes cantidades de energía y crear columnas de erupción de gases y cenizas que pueden elevarse hasta 50 km de altura a una velocidad de cientos de metros por segundo.