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  1. › github › LinaqrufCagliostro Colab UI

    All-in-One, Customizable and Flexible Stable Diffusion for Google Colab. Version 3.0.0 | Github | What's New? [ ]

  2. Cagliostro Colab UI. All-in-One, Customizable and Flexible Stable Diffusion for Google Colab. What's New? | NEW! Pocketbook Guide. Drive Config. mount_drive: output_to_drive:...

    • Overview
    • What's New?

    All-in-One, Customizable and Flexible AUTOMATIC1111's Stable Diffusion Web UI for Google Colab.

    v.3.0.0 (10/06/23)

    •Rewrote cagliostro-colab-ui codebase from scratch. •Used in-house module Colablib as the primary library for go-to functions, such as colored print, git function, download syntax, etc. •Added numerous trivial but important pieces of information, such as the Python version, torch version, current commit hash. •Improved console logs, using print_line() and cprint() from Colablib. •Merged output_to_drive with mount_drive. •Now, the output path is automatically set to drive if Google Drive is mounted. •Built-in wildcard support. •Renamed dpm_v2_patch to dpmpp_2m_v2_patch. •Added new section: Optimization config. •Introduced mobile_optimizations to keep Colab tab alive for mobile users. •Removed Keep Tab Alive for Mobile due to similar functionality with the new optimization. •New extensions! •ilian6806/stable-diffusion-webui-state : Preserves Web UI parameters (inputs, sliders, checkboxes, etc.) after page reload. •pkuliyi2015/multidiffusion-upscaler-for-automatic1111 : Offers tiled Diffusion and VAE optimization. •Zuellni/Stable-Diffusion-WebUI-Image-Filters : A simple image postprocessing extension using the Pillow library. •Linaqruf/Umi-AI-debloat : Wildcard manager, a fork of Tsukreya/Umi-AI-debloat that has already fixed the lowercase problem. •AlUlkesh/sd_delete_button : Adds a delete button for Automatic1111 txt2img and img2img. •New default models! •Added AnyLoRA_Anime_Mix as a new AnyLoRA variant for 2D Anime generation, similar to NovelAI. •Renamed the old AnyLoRA to AnyLoRA_Default. •Added Ghost_Note_Delta, SDHK_V3, for another Anime Model. •Added Majic_Mix_V5 to replace Chillout Mix. •Replaced replicant_v2 with the latest and improved version, Replicant_V3. •Reintroduced Illuminati Diffusion V1.1. •Removed Waifu Diffusion 1.5 models. •New default VAEs! •Added Blessed VAE. •All default VAEs are now in .safetensors! Thanks to NoCrypt. •ControlNet •Added new Annotator, up to Lama cleaner. •Included a list of new SDv2.x ControlNet Models from thibaud/controlnet-sd21. •Added Custom ControlNet Model section to download custom controlnet models such as Illumination, Brightness, the upcoming QR Code model, and any other unofficial ControlNet Model. •Please ensure your custom ControlNet model has sd15/sd21 in the filename. •Reintroduced t2i_adapter_model. •Custom Download Corner •Added instructions for using the fuse: prefix, handling multiple URLs, and loading models from Google Drive. •The prune:, fp16:, or fp32: prefixes currently are not available. •Introduced a new section: Download From Textfile. •This uses a similar approach to the etherealxx/batchlinks-webui extensions. •Provide a custom download URL for a .txt file instead of using the URL field. Edit the file: /content/download_list.txt. •Available hashtags: #model, #vae, #embedding, #lora, #hypernetwork, #extensions, #upscaler. Aliases are not currently supported. •Alternatively, you can input your .txt file into custom_download_list_url. This works for pastebin. Example: •Launch •Added --opt-sdp-mem-attention option for accelerator. •Included error handling if the user forgets to download the model and vae. It will automatically download these two files before launch: •Model: AnyLoRA_Anime_Mix •VAE: Animevae •Added Token Merging Ratio or ToME SD and Negative Guidance Scale to quicksettings •Refactored Download Generated Images and other Extras cells by wrapping code inside functions. •Bugfixes: •Fixed dpmpp_2m_v2_patch, now it's working properly. •Temporary fixed LoRA not applied when using Hires Fix •Fixed file extensions undefined in Custom Download Corner

    v.2.6.2 (17/05/23)

    •Bugfixes: •Attempting to fix generate button stuck problem by adding latest_gradio option to force update gradio to 3.31

    v.2.6.1 (17/05/23)

    •Added sd-civitai-browser extension back, but this time using SignalFlagZ/sd-civitai-browser version. •Changed stable-diffusion-webui-latent-two-shot extension with ashen-sensored's fork. •Updated alternative tunnels recommendation: ngrok > gradio > cloudflared > remotemoe > localhostrun > googleusercontent. The ranking is based on the following reasons: •Gradio: Faster and slightly more stable than the others, but may have queue problems. •Cloudflared: Slow to start the application, loads extra networks and images. •Remotemoe: Currently not usable. •Localhostrun: Often gets disconnected, requiring a forced restart of cells to make it work. •Googleusercontent: - •Bugfixes: •Fixed stable-diffusion-webui-composable-lora not being installed in repo_type values: ["AUTOMATIC1111", "AUTOMATIC1111-dev"]. •Set commit_hash to empty and use latest commit because the bugs already fixed.

  3. This guide will walk you through the basics of using Cagliostro Colab UI, an innovative and powerful notebook designed to launch Automatic1111's Stable Diffusion Web UI in Google Colab. With its advanced features, customizability, and flexibility, Cagliostro Colab offers a seamless and efficient way to utilize Stable Diffusion Web UI for your ...

  4. › github › LinaqrufGoogle Colab

    Ensure that you have permission to view this notebook in GitHub and authorize Colab to use the GitHub API.

  5. Colab is a hosted Jupyter Notebook service that requires no setup to use and provides free access to computing resources, including GPUs and TPUs. Colab is especially well suited to machine learning, data science, and education.

  6. Couldn't find 'dsx09/cagliostro-colab-ui' on the Hugging Face Hub either: FileNotFoundError: No (supported) data files or dataset script found in dsx09/cagliostro-colab-ui Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/dataset/", line 56, in compute_config_names_response for config ...