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  1. Hace 5 días · L’esposizione museale è completata dalla Galleria de Busti, con gessi di antichi anatomisti, e dalla Galleria Mascagni, dove sono esposte le tavole anatomiche di Paolo Mascagni (1755-1815). Il visitatore si troverà di fronte a un appassionante intreccio fra studio del corpo umano, arte e storia.

  2. Museo di Anatomia Umana “Filippo Civinini” Scuola Medica, Via Roma 55; 56126 PISA; Dipartimento di Ricerca Traslazionale e delle nuove tecnologie in medicina e chirurgia

    • The Gallery of Busts and The Mascagni Gallery
    • The First Anatomical School Is Pisan
    • In Pisa, The First Meeting of Italian Scientists

    The museum’s exhibition is completed by the“Galleria dei Busti”, withplaster casts of ancient anatomists, and above all by the “Galleria Mascagni”, where Paolo Mascagni’s anatomical plates are exhibited, among the most monumental works ever published. In fact, they are 44 enormous watercolor plates, extraordinary for their precision and richness of...

    Pisa was one of the first university cities to have an Anatomical School: the teaching of Human Anatomy began at the behest of Cosimo I dei Medici who had an Anatomical Theatre built. In that period, the famous Andrea Vesalio (1514-1564), considered the father of modern anatomy, was called to Pisa to carry out dissections.

    This was the basis for the birth of the Museum of Human Anatomy. From 1834 Filippo Civinini, to whom the museum is dedicated, continued the work of arrangement and cataloging and inaugurated it with the name Gabinetto Anatomico, in view of the First Meeting of Italian Scientists,held in Pisa in 1839. The Museum of Human Anatomy is part of the Unive...

  3. El visitante se encontrará ante un apasionante entrelazamiento del estudio del cuerpo humano, el arte y la historia. Pisa fue una de las primeras ciudades universitarias en tener una Escuela Anatómica: la enseñanza de la Anatomía Humana comenzó a instancias de Cosimo I dei Medici, quien hizo construir un Teatro Anatómico.

  4. 27 de may. de 2011 · Discover Museum of Human Anatomy in Pisa, Italy: Anatomical cabinet holds unexpected treasures.

  5. Ticket que permite ver el conjunto monumental de Pisa compuesto por la catedral, baptisterio, torre inclinada, cementerio, museo de la catedral, y museo de las sinopias. Se trata de uno de los mejores conjuntos arquitectónicos de todo occidente.

  6. The Museum of Pathological Anatomy and Palaeopathology, founded in 1884, houses an important collection of pathological human and animal specimens of great scientific value (some of the them date back to the Grand Ducal time), a collection of finds of forensic interest and a rich collection of paleopathological specimens.