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  1. El sitio generará el código correcto para hacer la pregunta que Usted quiere Solo falta copiar dicho código y pegarlo en nuestro editor de pregunta para examen. ¡Eso es todo, amigos! Sitio web:

  2. Usted puede usar un editor de texto como Notepad ++. No intente usar Word para Windows. No olvide limpiar las cachés: del navegador y de Moodle; Editor Cloze para Atto. En 2016, Daniel Thies creó el plugin adicional del Editor cloze para Atto. Vea también. editor CLOZE en línea

  3. 3 de sept. de 2010 · AEL Tübingen - Projects presentation 1. Blended Language Learning --- Tools and Concepts Applied English Linguistics Group University of Tübingen, Germany All projects have been supported by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme

  4. PFDS – Pre-Ignition Fire Detection System. The Project PFDS won the first place in the INNOspace Masters competition of DLR (Deutschen Raumfahrtagentur). PFDS aims to develop a sensor system to detect fire sources such as cable insulations, plastics or fabrics in the cabin air of enclosed inhabitats like spacecrafts by their thermally driven ...

  5. Website: Cloze editor plugin for TinyMCE. You can download a Moodle plugin from the Moodle plugins database that will let you create these questions from a graphical interface within your Moodle site. There are versions available for Moodle 1.9, 2.x and 3.x. Cloze editor plugin for Atto

  6. A08. Deciphering the plasma membrane-associated responses to mechanical stress. Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology, Plant Biophysics. Stanislas; ZMBP, Tü. A09. Spatial and temporal regulation of specific membrane associated processes.

  7. 18 de may. de 2015 · TRANSCRIPT. Page 1. Blended Language Learning---. Tools and Concepts. Applied English Linguistics GroupUniversity of Tübingen, Germany. All projects have been supported by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme. Page 2. ICEurope Intercultural Communication in Europe. Web Collaboration & E-Learning in the Language Classroom.