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  1. Yvan Goll, Surréalisme, Manifeste du surréalisme, Volume 1, Number 1, October 1, 1924, cover by Robert Delaunay. Leading up to 1924, two rival surrealist groups had formed. Each group claimed to be a successor of a revolution launched by Guillaume Apollinaire.

  2. Yvan Goll publicó el Manifeste du surréalisme, el 1 de octubre de 1924, en su primer y único número de Surréalisme, dos semanas antes del lanzamiento de Manifeste du surréalisme de Breton, publicado por Éditions du Sagittaire el 15 de octubre de 1924.

  3. Aunque el Manifeste de Breton es el que finalmente tuvo mayor difusión, no es estrictamente el primero, puesto que dos semanas antes, Yvan Goll publicó el primer número de la revista Surrealism, que vio la luz el 1 de octubre de 1924 y que también contenía un Manifiesto del Surrealismo. [3]

  4. El Manifiesto Surrealista hace referencia a varias publicaciones de Yvan Goll y André Breton, líderes de grupos surrealistas rivales. Goll y Breton publicaron manifiestos en octubre de 1924 titulados Manifeste du surréalisme.

  5. 23 de may. de 2021 · In 1924, Goll published his own Surrealist Manifesto in opposition to Andre Breton (whom he thought relied too much on Freud and automatic writing). Goll's work was blacklisted by the German government, and poet Paula Ludwig posed a challenge to the Golls' marriage. Others have written about this.

  6. 4 de may. de 2020 · So, for your reading pleasure, a few excerpts from “Surrealism Manifesto,” by Yvan Goll (October 1, 1924), translated by Nan Watkins and published in full in The Inner Trees: Selected Poems of Yvan Goll, edited by Thomas Rain Crowe. Much wisdom here! Reality is the basis of all great art. Without it there is no life, no substance.

  7. Breton, vying for poetic ascendancy, attacked Golls surrealism in his first Surrealist manifesto (also in 1924). In 1921, Yvan married Claire Studer, a young journalist and his most important collaborator.