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  1. Carcharoth es un personaje ficticio que pertenece al legendarium creado por el escritor británico J. R. R. Tolkien y que aparece en su novela póstuma El Silmarillion.

    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Other versions of the legendarium
    • Behind the scenes
    • References

    Carcharoth, also known as the Red Maw, lived in the First Age of the Sun, and was the greatest werewolf that ever lived. He was of the line of Draugluin. His name is pronounced

    Carcharoth was created as a defence against Huan, and was reared by Morgoth's own hands on living flesh and filled with great power. So Carcharoth, who was also named Anfauglir (IPA: /anˈfaʊglir/), the 'Jaws of Thirst', grew to great size and his strength seemed beyond compare. His eyes burned like red coals and his teeth were poisoned as the spears of the Orcish legions. Carcharoth was the guardian of the gate of Angband and none could pass him by strength of body alone.

    He became involved with the Quest for the Silmaril when Beren and Lúthien had to pass him upon their entrance of Angband. He there espied them, and grew suspicious of Beren because he was disguised as Draugluin, who Carcharoth knew to be slain. Before he could take action against the pair, Lúthien enchanted him with her magic, sending him into a deep sleep. Unfortunately, on their way out Carcharoth awoke, and Lúthien was too weary to spell him again. Beren held out the captured Silmaril in an attempt to slay the beast, but Carcharoth was not daunted, and bit off Beren's hand at the wrist, Silmaril and all.

    The Silmaril burnt away Carcharoth's insides, and he became crazed with pain, yet filled with great power. A terror to Elves, Men, and Orcs alike, he burst from Angband, slaying anything and everything in his path. He continued south through Beleriand, and eventually he arrived in Doriath. With the power of the Silmaril inside him, the Girdle of Melian had no effect on him, and his presence placed the entire kingdom in grave danger. To protect Doriath, Beren Erchamion, Elu Thingol, Beleg Cúthalion, and Mablung joined with Huan the Hound to track down and slay the Wolf.

    Carcharoth was later killed in single combat by Huan, in FA 466, but he poisoned both Huan and Beren mortally with his teeth. When Mablung cut open the wolf's belly, he found there the Silmaril with Beren's hand still closed around it, but, when he touched the flesh, the hand was swept away by a wind, leaving only the great jewel.

    Originally, Carcharoth's name was Karkaras, meaning the Knife-Fang. Karkaras was considered a father of wolves and initially bore a shape of a huge grey wolf.

    Another name for Carcharoth was Borosaith, meaning 'Ever-hungry', which was used mainly in song.

    The detail of Beren losing his hand to Carcharoth may have been inspired by the Norse legend of the god Týr, who lost his hand to the wolf Fenrir.

    1.Tolkien, J.R.R.. Beren and Lúthien (Kindle Location 763). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Kindle Edition.

    2.The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter XIX: "Of Beren and Lúthien"

    3.The History of Middle-earth, Vol. II: The Book of Lost Tales Part Two, I: "The Tale of Tinúviel"

    4.The History of Middle-earth, Vol. IV: The Shaping of Middle-earth, III: "The Quenta"

  2. 21 de may. de 2023 · Carcharoth was bred from the foul breed of Draugluin, the first Werewolf, and fed with elvish and mannish flesh by Morgoth himself. He was the greatest, most powerful wolf to ever live. Carcharoth was set as a guard on the Gates of Angband, and later he mortally wounded both Huan, the Hound of Valinor, and Beren. [1]

  3. Carcharoth era el gran lobo de Melkor. Su nombre significa "Fauces Rojas", debido a que siempre estaba cubierto y sediento de sangre. Era el encargado de guardar las puertas de Angband y una de las criaturas más poderosas del Señor Oscuro.

  4. 4 de jul. de 2023 · Carcharoth es un lobo gigante, el más grande y feroz de todos los lobos que habitan en el mundo de la Tierra Media. Fue creado por el malvado Morgoth, el principal villano de la obra de Tolkien, con el propósito de ser su guardián en Angband, su fortaleza en el norte.

  5. Carcharoth era un gran lobo, que había sido criado por Morgoth, para cumplir el hado de Huan. Era del linaje de Draugluin , y desde cachorro había sido alimentado de la propia mano de Morgoth con carne viva, además de poner en él su poder.

  6. › es › CarcharothCarcharoth - Wikiwand

    Carcharoth es un personaje ficticio que pertenece al legendarium creado por el escritor británico J. R. R. Tolkien y que aparece en su novela póstuma El Silmarillion.