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  1. La cultura de Argentina está marcada por el carácter multiétnico y multicultural de su población, el fuerte sincretismo de sus formas de expresión y una positiva valoración del progreso y la modernidad, en la que se conjugan, no sin conflictos, muchas identidades étnicas y un sentido de pertenencia a las culturas europeas y ...

  2. Argentina es un país con baja densidad de población (16,5 hab/km²), muy concentrada en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA), donde reside un 35,7% de la población total, 516 mayoritariamente urbana (un 92% al 2011), 517 518 y con una gran proporción de personas mayores de 60 años (14,3%).

  3. La cultura argentina tiene como origen la mezcla de otras que se encontraron durante los años de las inmigraciones. En cuanto a sus ideologías se destacan sus pensamientos y lenguajes liberales o socialdemócratas, mucho valor a la libertad, también la democracia y el respeto a los derechos humanos.

    • Language
    • Literature
    • Visual Arts
    • Popular Culture
    • Cuisine
    • Sports
    • Values
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    The spoken languages of Argentina number at least 40, although Spanish is dominant. Others include native and other immigrant languages; some languages are extinct and others are endangered, spoken by elderly people whose descendants do not speak the languages. The most prevalent dialect is Rioplatense, also known as "Argentine Spanish", whose spea...

    Argentina has a detailed literary history, as well as one of the region's most active publishing industries. Argentine writers have figured prominently in Latin American literature, since becoming a fully united entity in the 1850s, with a strong constitution and a defined nation-building plan. The struggle between the Federalists (who favored a lo...

    Painting and sculpture

    Argentine painters and sculptors have a rich history, dating from both before and since the development of modern Argentina in the second half of the 19th century. Artistic production did not truly come into its own, until after the 1852 overthrow of the repressive regime of Juan Manuel de Rosas. Immigrants like Eduardo Schiaffino, Eduardo Sívori, Reinaldo Giudici, Emilio Caraffa, and Ernesto de la Cárcova left behind a realist heritage influential to this day.[citation needed] Impressionism...

    Graphic arts

    In the 1920s, Buenos Aires was overflowing with creative drawings and design. Argentine illustrators and sketchers were attracting worldwide recognition, including artists such as Jose Freire Segundo, creator of gráfica of Aikal (1940); Jose Luis Salinas, called upon by King Features to create a comic strip of worldwide fame, Cisco Kid; and Florencio Molina Campos, the brilliant sketcher of the Alpargatas Almanacs of rural life (1930), who collaborated on three Walt Disney films. The culminat...


    Argentine comics were living its "Golden Age" between the 1940s and the 1960s. Cartoonists and comic creators have contributed prominently to national culture, including Alberto Breccia, Dante Quinterno, Oski, Francisco Solano López, Horacio Altuna, Guillermo Mordillo, Roberto Fontanarrosa, whose grotesque characters captured life's absurdities with quick-witted commentary, and Quino, known for the soup-hating Mafalda, and her comic strip gang of childhood friends, the theorist Oscar Masotta...


    The Argentine film industry created around 170 full-length titles in 2012. The world's first animated feature films were made and released in Argentina, by cartoonist Quirino Cristiani, in 1917 and 1918. Argentine cinema enjoyed a 'golden age' in the 1930s through the 1950s with scores of productions, many now considered classics of Spanish-language film. The industry produced actors who became the first movie stars of Argentine cinema, often tango performers such as Libertad Lamarque, Floren...


    Tango, the music and lyrics (often sung in a form of slang called lunfardo), is Argentina's musical symbol. The Milonga dance was a predecessor, slowly evolving into modern tango. By the 1930s, tango had changed from a dance-focused music to one of lyric and poetry, with singers such as Carlos Gardel, Hugo del Carril, Roberto Goyeneche, Raúl Lavié, Tita Merello, and Edmundo Rivero. The golden age of tango (1930 to mid-1950s) mirrored that of jazz and swing in the United States, featuring larg...


    Buenos Aires is one of the world's great capitals of theater. The Teatro Colón is a national landmark for opera and classical performances; built at the end of the 19th century, its acoustics are considered the best in the world, and is currently undergoing a major refurbishment in order to preserve its outstanding sound characteristics, the French-romantic style, the impressive Golden Room (a minor auditorium targeted to Chamber Music performances), and the museum at the entrance. With its t...

    Besides many of the pasta, sausage, and dessert dishes common to continental Europe, Argentines enjoy a wide variety of Indigenous and Criollo creations, which include empanadas (a stuffed pastry), locro (a mixture of maize, beans, meat, bacon, onion, and gourd), humitas, and yerba mate, all originally indigenous Amerindian staples, the latter cons...

    The official national sport of Argentina is pato,although it is not very popular. It is played with a six-handle ball on horseback. Football is the most popular sport in Argentina. The national football team has won 25 major international titles, including three FIFA World Cups, two Olympic gold medals and 15 Copa América. Over one thousand Argenti...

    Argentine values is a shared identity core that brings together actions and thoughts aimed at increasing social capital and fostering the common good among Argentines. As Rokeach state, "Values are the evaluative component of an individual's attitudes and beliefs. Values guide how we think about things in terms of what is right/wrong and correct/in...

  4. 25 de abr. de 2021 · La cultura de Argentina se caracteriza por una marcada influencia europea, como consecuencia de la conquista española y de la migración de italianos que convirtieron a este país de América del Sur en su nuevo hogar.

  5. Páginas en la categoría «Cultura de Argentina». Esta categoría contiene las siguientes 52 páginas: Cultura de Argentina. A. Apacheta. Asociación de Cronistas del Espectáculo. B. Baile de las cintas. Bandera de la Argentina.

  6. Córdoba es un polo cultural de Argentina, en el año 2000 la manzana jesuítica fue declarada patrimonio de la humanidad por la UNESCO, y durante 2006 la ciudad fue Capital Americana de la Cultura. El centro de la ciudad tiene gran densidad de iglesias, siendo esto una característica típica de la ciudad.