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  1. Come get comfortable with us! Join our family and share your Mephisto style with other fans. Since 1965, Mephisto has been crafting the world's finest footwear. Experience a heritage of comfort and style with Mephisto.

  2. Mephisto | Marvel 101. Monarch of Evil, Mephisto rules a fiery nether realm and loves impersonating the biblical Satan. Empowered by the souls of the damned, he often strikes deceptive bargains with the living, making him one of the evilest and most untrustworthy beings in existence.

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    Well may you tremble! For you gaze upon... Mephisto! 


    Mephisto is an extra-dimensional Demon who rules a fiery pocket dimension that he calls "Hell" or "Hades" although it is neither the Hell of the Christian religion nor the Hades ruled by Hades, the Olympian god of the dead. Mephisto calls his extra-dimensional realm "hell" in order to exploit Earth human beings' belief in a single being of absolute evil, who is often referred to as Satan, who rules such a realm. Mephisto resembles the traditional visual conception of the devil. (It is not known whether this is Mephisto's true appearance, or one that he has adopted in order to resemble the devil). He also allows himself to be called names that human beings give to their conceptions of devils, such as Mephisto, a shortened form of Mephistopheles, the name given to the devil in the Faust legends and of a possible fallen angel.

    Indeed, Mephisto has allowed people to believe him to be Satan himself, however, Mephisto is not Lucifer. Mephisto's domain is inhabited by himself, by lesser demons who serve him, and by the astral forms of certain deceased human beings, which have been trapped in the bodies of demons. These demonic bodies imprisoning human spirits have been magically altered to resemble the deceased's mortal human forms. Mephisto is continually seeking to add more spirits of sentient beings to his realm by inducing living sentient beings to submit their wills to his. Mephisto apparently seeks primarily to enslave human souls, although he will go after those of extraterrestrials on Earth as well.


    •Mephisto's true origin has been lost to time, many stories claim to tell the true origin. •The primordial entity known as Nemesis was born at the beginning of time and was alone in it's universe the First Cosmos. It used its great power to create life from its own form, but sadly the creations turned out to be evil becoming the first demons. Saddened by what it created and wiped them all out. Alone again the entity committed suicide and it's remains became the Infinity Stones. After its death, the demons were reborn, and one of the beings was Mephisto, but the power of the Stones was forbidden to these beings. •Eons ago the Elder God Demogorge defeated the other members of his race ending their rule. The dark energy created from their death formed the first demons; these included; Thog, Satannish, and Mephisto.

    Garden of Eden

    According to Lilith, Mephisto - in the form of a snake - tricked Eve and Adam into partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge - ensuring their banishment from the Biblical Garden of Eden. Mephisto became increasingly obsessed with manipulating living humans into selling their souls to him, neglecting the teeming masses of damned souls already condemned to his realm.

    1,000,000 B.C.

    Taking on the form of a snake again, Mephisto appeared before a young man belonging to a tribe of mammoth-riding early humans, who had been slaughtered by a Wendigo. Mephisto offered the man the power to avenge his people in exchange for guessing his name, and bonded him to a Spirit of Vengeance to make him the first Ghost Rider. Mephisto also attempted to corrupt Fan Fei, an exile from the city of K'un-Lun who possessed the power of the Iron Fist. Fan Fei rejected his suggestion that she use her power to conquer the world, and Mephisto vengefully assisted the Gorgilla Clan of Man-Apes in their war against Fan Fei and her followers, giving the Ape King the Power Stone. When Iron Man was displaced a million years into the past, Mephisto attempted to manipulate him into making a deal - first by offering him gifts and then by sending the Ape King and other monsters to attack him. With Iron Man's armor running low on power, Mephisto - who had come into possession of the Time Stone - appeared before him in-person claiming to be Tony's real father. Tony refused Mephisto's offer and fought off the monsters the Hell Lord sent to pressure him into making a bargain, eventually returning to the present day. In an attempt to defeat the Avengers, Mephisto convinced a young Thanos to attack them.


    Mephisto is a Class Two Demon, and possesses vast supernatural power, which is apparently inherent within him. He is energized by sources of evil in the human world.[161] Mephisto stated that he and his realm are one, with his power being directly connected to his realm, and diminishes over time spent away from it. Therefore, he usually sends demonic agents to do his bidding. In fact, Mephisto's tremendous power has been compared to Odin's massive power.[162] •Superhuman Strength: Mephisto possesses some degree of superhuman strength. He is capable of using his magical powers to augment his strength, enabling him to lift well in excess of 100 tons. •Superhuman Speed: Mephisto is capable of running and moving at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete. •Superhuman Stamina: The various mystical energies flowing through Mephisto's body augments his musculature so that it generates virtually no fatigue toxins during physical activity. As a result, Mephisto possesses almost limitless superhuman stamina. •Invulnerability: The tissues of Mephisto's body, while similar in appearance to a human's, are considerably tougher and more resistant to injury than the tissues of a human being. Mephisto's body is virtually invulnerable to conventional injury. He is capable of withstanding great impact forces, high caliber bullets, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury. •Immortality: As a demon, Mephisto is functionally immortal. He is immune to the effects of aging and is immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections. Mephisto is also beyond the need of food, water, or oxygen. •Regeneration: Despite his superhuman durability, it is possible to injure Mephisto. However, his unique physiology and mystical energies enable him to rapidly recover from almost any form of injury. He is capable of regenerating almost any damaged or destroyed tissue, even missing limbs. •Magic: Mephisto can utilize magic for various effects, among which are the augmentation of his own physical strength, levitation, teleportation, the projection of mystical energy as force blasts, invisibility, matter manipulation, image projection, size transformation of his body or other objects or beings, the creation of temporary inter-dimensional apertures, and so on. •Dream Walking: Mephisto can invade the dreams of others to torture them.[163] •Energy Projection: Mephisto can project powerful blasts of mystical energy that he can use for various effects. He can create solid constructs of his energy, such as restraints or a cage.[164] •Hellfire Generation: Mephisto can generate and manipulate hellfire - a demonic form of fire that is incredibly destructive. He commonly emits this flame from his body, even when not using his powers. •Hellfire Projection: Mephisto can project powerful blasts of hellfire. In a battle with Galactus, Mephisto projected his hellfire on a massive scale, matching Galactus' output. The combination of the two beings energy was powerful enough to destroy planets and cause galaxies to tremble.[165] •Hellfire Breath: Mephisto can spew a powerful stream of flames from his mouth.[142] •Heat Generation: Mephisto can fire blasts of heat-based energy, capable of melting Iceman. He was also able to melt Mjolnir with his hand, on contact.[166] •Fire Immunity: Mephisto is immune to the effects of fire and cannot be harmed by it. •Illusions: Mephisto is capable of casting various illusions at will, to fool or confuse opponents.[167] •Matter Manipulation: Mephisto can use magic to instantly create objects at will. •Precognition: Through a magical ritual, Mephisto is able to see the past and possible futures of those who wish to take souls. He can also see his own future. •Summoning: Mephisto can summon his demonic minions at will, and can even instantly summon any person he wishes. •Telekinesis: Mephisto can use magic to telekinetically manipulate the movement of objects or people. •Telepathy: Mephisto is capable of completely draining a person's mind of memories, and even earing people's memories on a universal scale.[100] •Memory Erasure[100] •Teleportation: Mephisto can teleport to and from his realm at will. •Time Manipulation: Mephisto can use magic to manipulate the flow of time for various effects. •Time Reversal: Mephisto can use his power to reverse time back to the past at will.[168] •Time Stopping: Mephisto can stop time around himself at will, while still being able to move around normally. He can even exclude certain people from his time manipulation.[169] •Appearance Alteration: Mephisto can take any form that he wants. He usually takes the appearance of a male, red skinned humanoid with vampiric aspect and attire. However, Mephisto can appear in any form imaginable, having turning himself into animals, humans of any gender, or more commonly into other demonic forms, ranging from a stereotypical image of Satan to a giant reptilian monster. Mephisto briefly turned into a inconceivable incarnation of evil with numerous misshapen images within him. •Animal Form: Mephisto can take the form of any animal he wishes, often taking the form of a snake. He took form of a snake to trick Eve and Adam into partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, as well as when creating the prehistoric Ghost Rider. •Size Increase: Mephisto can also enlarge himself to intimidate and easily defeat his enemies. •Necromancy: Mephisto can capture and detain the souls of recently deceased human beings, however he does not have jurisdiction over all the souls of humanity's recently deceased. It is not yet known what the prerequisite conditions are for him to be able to manipulate a human soul, nor are the precise means by which he accomplishes the feat known. Apparently these conditions require that the human being in question willingly agree to submit to Mephisto's will. It is not known how a human being may free himself from bondage to Mephisto (although Johnny Blaze apparently did), nor whether Mephisto will forever retain control of the souls he has obtained. Nor is it known whether or not Mephisto "feeds" on the psychic energies of such souls as other demons do. •Resurrection: Mephisto stated that in certain instances he can bring people back from the dead. •Power Bestowal: Mephisto possesses power over Spirits of Vengeance and can bond them with a human host, empowering them as a Ghost Rider. •Reality Warping: Mephisto is able to alter and manipulate certain aspects of reality with the permission of the one involved, however he states that there are certain aspects of reality he is not allowed to touch. He was able to create the realities Earth-7161 and Earth-71241 by creating a small alteration in the Earth-616 reality. As part of a deal with Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson, Mephisto wove the Earth-81545 reality into Earth-616.[100] However, this ability does not seem to be completely permanent, as some changed aspects of the life of Peter and Mary Jane were later undone. •Mystical Deal: Through a Faustian bargain, Mephisto is able to fulfill almost any wish that someone wants in exchange for something that they have - usually their souls. Once the agreement is sealed, it is virtually impossible for the victim to escape compliance. Mephisto can then use this deal to keep his victims always under his control, being able to even prevent them from remembering they made a deal with him, although the victims will still be able to recall vaguely that. Generally, only Mephisto himself can undo his deals with his victims, although depending on the nature and terms of the deal they made, victims have the ability to free themselves on their own. •Mystic Bet: Similar to their Faustian deals, Mephisto can make a sort of magical bet on the outcome of how an event will turn out. If he wins, Mephisto can demand what he wants from his victim, however, if the devil loses, he is obligated to give what the winner of the bet asks of him, even if it means undoing his deals. •Penance Stare Immunity: Ghost Rider's Penance Stare doesn't affect Mephisto; to the contrary, it makes him stronger, due to that power making its victim relive all of its misdeeds at once, as well as the fact that he has no soul. •Cosmic Awareness: Mephisto can look into the infinite alternate realities of the multiverse at will.[100] •Medium Awareness: Mephisto possesses an unknown degree of medium awareness, able to pause a battle between himself, Doctor Strange, and Victor von Doom to monologue to the reader of the comic.[170] •Dimensional Entrapment: As the ruler of his realm, Mephisto can entrap a living human being within his realm through sheer physical force, even if the person did not submit his or her will to him. The woman named Topaz was thus entrapped until her recent escape.


    Mephisto is an experienced and highly skilled liar and strategist. He is also a highly skilled sorcerer with near infinite knowledge of arcane and occult subjects.


    Despite his immense power, Mephisto does have several significant limitations. He is unable to force the subjugation of any sentient beings will to his own without that being's deliberate submission. Likewise, he cannot make the same kind of deal with the same person he has done before. Moreover, Mephisto cannot directly affect beings from other realities, as he cannot harm the Norman Osborn from Earth-44145 by claiming he was outside his jurisdiction. He is also incapable of reading the thoughts of any sentient being. Mephisto's powers are linked with his extra-dimensional realm and his powers rapidly decrease the longer he is away from his realm. As a result, he typically uses or manipulates others into performing whatever plan he has in mind. Also, despite continuously trying to get any noble soul to his realm and possession, he must need to corrupt them first, or otherwise, he himself will be, ironically, injured in the process. In fact, in the event that Mephisto is usurped from his position, incapacitated or even destroyed to the point of being unable to reestablish, all his mystical actions, including his deals with their victims, began to crumble and fall apart. This also seems to apply to their victims, as their agreements will also lose effect and break if their deaths were not predetermined in terms of the pact they established with Mephisto.


    A crystal that held Zarathos. The Pandemonium Cube. Former Equipment Time Gem: Mephisto had briefly in his possession the Time Gem which he used to transport Iron Man to the Stone Age.


    Interdimensional teleportation using his own powers.

    •As stated above, many powerful demons, Mephisto included, have claimed or played off the name of Satan. Despite this, no single one has ever been confirmed to be the true "Satan" and overlord of all evil. This seemingly contradicts a previous editorial reply in the The Hammer Strike letters page that stated, "Mephisto and Satan, however difficult as it may be for you to accept at first, are one and the same character."[171]

    •Mephisto was one of the characters featured in the series of Marvel Value Stamps issued in the 1970's.

    •Whether Mephisto was responsible for Johnny Blaze becoming the Ghost Rider has been the subject of numerous retcons over the years. Satan (Lucifer) was originally the entity responsible, but this was later retconned into being Mephisto pretending to be Satan. Lucifer was re-retconned into being responsible in Ghost Rider (Vol. 6), but this has been disregarded by subsequent storylines such as Damnation - which depict Mephisto as being behind not only Johnny Blaze's transformation into Ghost Rider, but all the Spirits of Vengeance.

    •Mephisto seems to have a hatred towards all Spider-Men.[133] This can be evident as shown when Mephisto started to torment Peter Parker, after his deal with Patient Zero,[172] cursing Agent Venom and his symbiote with a Hell-Mark,[173] also tormenting Ben Reilly[174] and Miles Morales, and turning Otto Octavius back to his original self.[175] This hatred may be due to seeing a future in which he ruled over Earth but had his kingdom overthrown by the daughter of Peter Parker or Peter himself.

    •Mephisto has sometimes taken the form of his son Blackheart, but red in color.[176][177] However, it could also be that when Mephisto created Blackheart he modeled him after himself.

    •415 appearance(s) of Mephisto (Earth-616)

    •20 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Mephisto (Earth-616)

    •69 minor appearance(s) of Mephisto (Earth-616)

    •176 mention(s) of Mephisto (Earth-616)

    •24 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Mephisto (Earth-616)

    •4 invocation(s) of Mephisto (Earth-616)


    1.Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 2.Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Horror 2005 #1 ; Mephisto's entry 3.Loki: Agent of Asgard #4 4.Avengers (Vol. 8) #31 5.Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #16 6.Journey Into Mystery #627 7.Thanos vs. Hulk #1 8.Infinity Entity #4 9.Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #9 10.Hellcat #3 11.Sensational Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #41 12.Avengers (Vol. 8) #55 13.Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic #8 14.Spirits of Ghost Rider: Mother of Demons #1 15.Nightcrawler (Vol. 3) #12 16.Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities #1 ; Angels' entry 17.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #45 18.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #44 19.Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Horror 2005 #1 20.Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Annual #2 21.Avengers (Vol. 8) #38 22.Bible Tales for Young Folk #1 23.Avengers (Vol. 8) #7 24.Avengers (Vol. 8) #13 25.Iron Man: Legacy of Doom #1 26.Iron Man: Legacy of Doom #2 27.Warheads #1 28.Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #8 29.Silver Surfer #8 30.Mephisto Vs.... #1 31.Ruins of Ravencroft: Sabretooth #1 32.Cloak and Dagger (Vol. 3) #18 33.Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #74 34.Silver Surfer #3–4 35.Silver Surfer #9 36.Silver Surfer #16 37.Silver Surfer #17 38.Silver Surfer (Vol. 2) #1 39.Thor #180 40.Thor #181 41.Thor #204 42.Thor #205 43.Marvel Comics Super Special #1 44.Astonishing Tales #8 45.Marvel Spotlight #5–6 46.Marvel Spotlight #7–8 47.Marvel Spotlight #9 48.Marvel Spotlight #11 49.Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #1 50.Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #2 51.Marvel Spotlight #12 52.Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #3 53.Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #5–7 54.Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #8 55.Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) #9–11 56.Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #72 57.Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #15–16 58.Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #17 59.Thor Annual #10 60.Thor #325 61.Secret Wars II #7 62.West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2) #9 63.Fantastic Four Annual #20 64.Mephisto Vs.... #2 65.Mephisto Vs.... #3 66.Mephisto Vs.... #4 67.Silver Surfer Annual #2 68.Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #6 69.X-Factor #253 70.Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #6–8 71.Avengers: West Coast #51 72.Avengers: West Coast #52 73.Young Avengers Presents #3 74.Young Avengers #11 75.Devil's Reign ½: Silver Surfer / Witchblade #½ 76.Weapon Zero/Silver Surfer #1 77.Cyblade/Ghost Rider #1 78.Ghost Rider/Ballistic #1 79.Ballistic/Wolverine #1 80.Wolverine/Witchblade #1 81.Witchblade/Elektra #1 82.Silver Surfer/Weapon Zero #1 83.Ghost Rider (Vol. 3) #93 84.Alpha Flight (Vol. 2) #16 85.Spider-Man #93 86.Nighthawk #1 87.Nighthawk #2 88.Nighthawk #3 89.Black Panther (Vol. 3) #2 90.Black Panther (Vol. 3) #3–4 91.Black Panther (Vol. 3) #5 92.Black Panther (Vol. 3) #35 93.Hellcat #1 94.Thunderbolts 2000 #1 95.Hellcat #2–3 96.Magik #2 97.Captain Britain and MI13 Annual #1 98.X-Men Unlimited #37 99.Spectacular Spider-Man #200 100.Amazing Spider-Man #545 101.X-Infernus #1 102.X-Men: Manifest Destiny Nightcrawler #1 103.Dark Avengers #10 104.Dark Avengers #11–12 105.Siege: Loki #1 106.Thor #611 107.Thor #612 108.Thor #613 109.Thor #614 110.New Mutants (Vol. 3) #29 111.New Mutants (Vol. 3) #30 112.New Mutants (Vol. 3) #37 113.New Mutants (Vol. 3) #41 114.New Mutants (Vol. 3) #43 115.New Mutants (Vol. 3) #50 116.Venom (Vol. 2) #13 117.Venom (Vol. 2) #13.3 118.Venom (Vol. 2) #13.4 119.X-Factor #256 120.Thunderbolts (Vol. 2) #21 121.Thunderbolts (Vol. 2) #22 122.Venom (Vol. 2) #41 123.Venom (Vol. 2) #42 124.Doctor Strange #389 125.Doctor Strange: Damnation #1 126.Doctor Strange #386 127.Doctor Strange: Damnation #2 128.Doctor Strange: Damnation #3 129.Doctor Strange: Damnation #4 130.Ghost Rider (Vol. 9) #5 131.Falcon (Vol. 2) #5 132.Champions (Vol. 3) #2 133.Champions (Vol. 3) #4 134.Valkyrie: Jane Foster #5 135.Unbelievable Gwenpool #25 136.Superior Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #11–12 137.Avengers (Vol. 8) #18 138.Ghost Rider (Vol. 9) #3–4 139.Ghost Rider (Vol. 9) #6–7 140.Ghost Rider (Vol. 9) #7 141.King in Black: Ghost Rider #1 142.Avengers (Vol. 8) #34 143.Avengers (Vol. 8) #35 144.Information deduced from the readings of the Kindred's appearances throughout Nick Spencer's run on Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5), most notably issues #30-31 (Absolute Carnage tie-ins), issues #50-54 (Last Remains story arc), and issues #71-74 (Sinister War tie-ins and finale). 145.Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #60 146.Sinister War #1 147.Sinister War #4 148.Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #73 149.Heroes Return #1 150.Heroes Reborn (Vol. 2) #7 151.Avengers (Vol. 8) #50 152.Avengers (Vol. 8) #54 153.Avengers (Vol. 8) #62 154.Avengers (Vol. 8) #55–62 155.Avengers: Forever (Vol. 2) #11 156.Avengers Assemble Alpha #1 157.Avengers: Forever (Vol. 2) #12 158.Avengers Assemble Omega #1 159.Avengers (Vol. 8) #66 160.Avengers: Forever (Vol. 2) #15 161.Fantastic Four #227 162.Thunderstrike #15 163.Books of Doom #3 164.Guardians of the Galaxy #49 165.Silver Surfer: Judgment Day #1 166.Thor Annual #13 167.Thor #310 168.Champions (Vol. 2) #2 169.Incredible Hulk #418 170.Infamous Iron Man #12 171.Thor #227 172.Spider-Man/Deadpool #5 173.Venom (Vol. 2) #14 174.Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #15–23 175.Superior Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #11 176.Doctor Doom #3 177.Deadpool & the Mercs for Money #3 178.Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 7

  3. Publication history. Inspired by Mephistopheles of the Faust legend, he was introduced into Marvel comics by writer Stan Lee and penciler John Buscema, Mephisto debuted in Silver Surfer #3 (cover dated Dec. 1968), and was established as a perennial foe for the cosmic hero, also appearing in Silver Surfer #8–9 (Sept.–Oct. 1969) and 16–17 (May–June 1970).

  4. Dul'Mephistos, the Lord of Hatred, commonly referred to as Mephisto, is one of the three Prime Evils. Like all the Great Evils, Mephisto was born from one of the seven heads of the great dragon Tathamet. His realm in the Burning Hells was the Realm of Hatred, and he watched with joy as its...

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